This is a classifier algorithm built as an entry for the Otto Group Product Classification Challenge hosted on
Competition Ended: May 18th, 2015
Number of Submission Attempts: 1
Last Submission Entry: April 24, 2015
Download the repository and open the 'Solution Files' directory. The script 'Run.m' will execute the entire process of loading the test and training data, initializing and training the neural network, and making classification predictions from the test data.
A 1 hidden layer neural network implemented in MATLAB. The data supplied by the competition contains 61,878 examples with 93 features.
Manually preprocessed training examples are loaded to memory, and the neural network is initialized.
Neural network is trained on the example data, and the cost function and its gradient are calculated using backpropagation. Training is done using an adaptive step-size gradient descent algorithm.
Test examples are then run through the trained neural network and classification predictions are generated.
checkGradient.m --- Script to compare accuracy of gradient computed through backpropagation against gradient computed through numerical differentiation
computeCost.m --- Function to compute the cost function and its gradient using backpropagation
feedForward.m --- Function to feedforward a set of input data through a given neural network
gradDescent.m --- Function to minimize an input function using adaptive step-size gradient descent
gradDescentTimed.m --- Function to minimize an input function using adaptive step-size gradient descent and outputs a computation time at each step
initializer.m --- Script to load training examples and initialize and train neural network
lambdaValidationCurves.m --- Function to compute and plot the validation curve from various values of the regularization parameter lambda and return the optimal lambda value
learningCurves.m --- Script to plot the learning curves after each iteration of gradient descent
NNPredict.m --- Function to predict classification for given neural network and input data
numericGradient.m --- Function to compute the gradient of the cost function using numerical differention
Run.m --- Script to call initializer and compute classification predictions for test examples
sigmoid.m --- Function to evaluate the sigmoid function for given input values
TestPredicter.m --- Function to compute predictions for test examples on a given neural network
trainNeuralNetwork.m --- Function to train the neural network using gradient descent
Test.mat --- Preprocessed test examples
Train.mat --- Preprocessed training examples