Pull requests that update a dependency file
This is a place to get started if you are new!
High priority, this ideally needs to be fixed first
Low priority, this has least priority to be fixed
This specific Issue or Pull Request has been abandoned and will not be completed
This has been Accepted or Verified as valid, and is waiting for someone to start working on it
Something is blocking this from progressing
We did it! Ready to merge!
This has already been reported or done before, see linked Issue or Pull Request
Oi! We need help with this!
This is being worked on...
This is an incorrect/invalid Issue or Pull Request
Awaiting someone to Review this PR
It is a good first step, but something/more needs to be done/fixed before this can be merged
This is "correct", but will not be fixed/done for various reason
There is a **factual incorrectness** in the spec
This will **improve** existing or **add** something new
This will neither fix incorrectness nor add value, but is rather a project cleanup
This is not a change, but is rather a question
Wow! This is new! This is unchartered terrirory and is only recommended by experienced comitters