CKAN docker image for open data portal (
key | valid values | default value |
SECRET_NPMRC | any string | - |
DYNATRACE_ENABLED | 0 or 1 | 0 |
key | config affected | variable affected | default value |
CKAN_DRUPAL_SITE_URL | production.ini | ckanext.drupal8.site_url |
- |
CKAN_BEAKER_SESSION_SECRET | production.ini | beaker.session.secret |
- |
CKAN_APP_INSTANCE_UUID | production.ini | app_instance_uuid |
- |
CKAN_SITE_ID | production.ini | ckan.site_id |
- |
CKAN_PLUGINS_DEFAULT | production.ini | ckan.plugins |
- |
CKAN_PLUGINS | production.ini | ckan.plugins |
- |
CKAN_STORAGE_PATH | production.ini | multiple vars with '_url' postfix |
- |
CKAN_ARCHIVER_PATH | production.ini | ckanext-archiver.archive_dir |
- |
CKAN_WEBASSETS_PATH | production.ini | ckan.webassets.path |
- |
CKAN_ARCHIVER_SEND_NOTIFICATION_EMAILS_TO_MAINTAINERS | production.ini | ckanext-archiver.send_notification_emails_to_maintainers |
- |
CKAN_ARCHIVER_EXEMPT_DOMAINS_FROM_BROKEN_LINK_NOTIFICATIONS | production.ini | ckanext-archiver.exempt_domains_from_broken_link_notifications |
- |
CKAN_HARVESTER_STATUS_RECIPIENTS | production.ini | ckanext.ytp.harvester_status_recipients |
- |
CKAN_HARVESTER_FAULT_RECIPIENTS | production.ini | ckanext.ytp.fault_recipients |
- |
CKAN_HARVESTER_INSTRUCTION_URL | production.ini | ckanext.ytp.harvester_instruction_url |
- |
CKAN_MAX_RESOURCE_SIZE | production.ini | ckan.max_resource_size |
- |
CKAN_SHOW_POSTIT_DEMO | production.ini | ckanext.ytp.theme.show_postit_demo |
- |
CKAN_PROFILING_ENABLED | production.ini | filter-with |
- |
CKAN_LOG_LEVEL | production.ini | logger_ckan.level |
- |
CKAN_EXT_LOG_LEVEL | production.ini | logger_ckanext.level |
- |
CKAN_CLOUDSTORAGE_ENABLED | production.ini | ckan.plugins |
- |
CKAN_CLOUDSTORAGE_DRIVER | production.ini | ckanext.cloudstorage.driver |
- |
CKAN_CLOUDSTORAGE_DRIVER_OPTIONS | production.ini | ckanext.cloudstorage.driver_options |
- |
CKAN_CLOUDSTORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME | production.ini | ckanext.cloudstorage.container_name |
- |
CKAN_CLOUDSTORAGE_USE_SECURE_URLS | production.ini | ckanext.cloudstorage.use_secure_urls |
- |
CKAN_CLOUDSTORAGE_AWS_USE_BOTO3_SESSIONS | production.ini | ckanext.cloudstorage.aws_use_boto3_sessions |
- |
CKAN_IMAGE_TAG |, | .init-done |
- |
CKAN_HOST | production.ini | ckan.datapusher.callback_url_base |
- |
CKAN_PORT | production.ini | ckan.datapusher.callback_url_base |
- |
DATAPUSHER_HOST | production.ini | ckan.datapusher.url |
- |
DATAPUSHER_PORT | production.ini | ckan.datapusher.url |
- |
REDIS_HOST | production.ini | ckan.redis.url |
- |
REDIS_PORT | production.ini | ckan.redis.url |
- |
REDIS_DB | production.ini | ckan.redis.url |
- |
SOLR_HOST | production.ini | solr_url |
- |
SOLR_PORT | production.ini | solr_url |
- |
SOLR_PATH | production.ini | solr_url |
- |
DB_HOST | production.ini | multiple vars |
- |
DB_CKAN | production.ini | multiple vars |
- |
DB_CKAN_USER | production.ini | multiple vars |
- |
DB_CKAN_PASS | production.ini | multiple vars |
- |
DB_DATASTORE_READONLY | production.ini | ckan.datastore.write_url , ckan.datastore.read_url |
- |
DB_DATASTORE_READONLY_USER | production.ini | ckan.datastore.read_url |
- |
DB_DATASTORE_READONLY_PASS | production.ini | ckan.datastore.read_url |
- |
DB_DRUPAL | production.ini | ckanext.ytp.drupal.connection , ckanext.drupal8.connection |
- |
DB_DRUPAL_USER | production.ini | ckanext.ytp.drupal.connection , ckanext.drupal8.connection |
- |
DB_DRUPAL_PASS | production.ini | ckanext.ytp.drupal.connection , ckanext.drupal8.connection |
- |
DOMAIN_NAME | production.ini | multiple vars |
- |
SECONDARY_DOMAIN_NAME | production.ini | multiple vars |
- |
SITE_PROTOCOL | production.ini | multiple vars |
- |
ROLES_CKAN_ADMIN | production.ini | ckanext.drupal8.sysadmin_role |
- |
- |
- |
- |
SMTP_HOST | production.ini | smtp.server , smtp_server |
- |
SMTP_USERNAME | production.ini | smtp.user , smtp_username |
- |
SMTP_PASS | production.ini | smtp.password , smtp_password |
- |
SMTP_FROM | production.ini | smtp.mail_from |
- |
SMTP_TO | production.ini | email_to |
- |
SMTP_FROM_ERROR | production.ini | error_email_from , from_address |
- |
SMTP_PROTOCOL | production.ini | smtp.starttls , smtp_use_tls |
- |
SMTP_PORT | production.ini | smtp.server , smtp_server |
- |
MATOMO_ENABLED | production.ini | ckan.plugins |
- |
MATOMO_SITE_ID | production.ini | ckanext.matomo.site_id |
- |
MATOMO_DOMAIN | production.ini | ckanext.matomo.domain |
- |
MATOMO_SCRIPT_DOMAIN | production.ini | ckanext.matomo.script_domain |
- |
MATOMO_TOKEN | production.ini | ckanext.matomo.token_auth |
- |
RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY | production.ini | ckanext.sixodp_showcasesubmit.recaptcha_sitekey |
- |
RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY | production.ini | ckanext.sixodp_showcasesubmit.recaptcha_secret |
- |
DISQUS_DOMAIN | production.ini | |
- |
SENTRY_DSN | production.ini | sentry.dsn |
- |
SENTRY_ENV | production.ini | sentry.environment |
- |
FUSEKI_HOST | production.ini | ckanext.dcat.sparql.query_endpoint ckanext.dcat.sparql.update_endpoint |
- |
FUSEKI_PORT | production.ini | ckanext.dcat.sparql.query_endpoint ckanext.dcat.sparql.update_endpoint |
- |
FUSEKI_ADMIN_USER | production.ini | ckanext.dcat.sparql.username |
- |
FUSEKI_ADMIN_PASS | production.ini | ckanext.dcat.sparql.password |
- |
FUSEKI_OPENDATA_DATASET | production.ini | ckanext.dcat.sparql.query_endpoint ckanext.dcat.sparql.update_endpoint |
- |
This material is copyright (c) 2013-2022 Digital and Population Data Services Agency, Finland.
CKAN extensions are licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0 whose full text may be found at:
All other content in this repository is licensed under MIT License unless otherwise specified.