Transmission is designed to be easy to use, yet powerful. Transmission has the features you want from a BitTorrent client: encryption, a web interface, peer exchange, magnet links, DHT, µTP, UPnP and NAT-PMP port forwarding, webseed support, watch directories, tracker editing, global and per-torrent speed limits, and more. Transmission
<path to data>:/config
where transmission should store config files and logs<path to downloads>:/downloads
local path for downloads<path to watch folder>:/watch
watch folder for torrent files
See below for explanationPGID=<gid>
See below for explanationTZ=<timezone>
e.g. Europe/London
- 9091:9091
- 51413:51413
- 51413:51413/udp
Sometimes when using data volumes, permissions issues can arise between the host OS and the container. We avoid this issue by allowing you to specify the user PUID
and group PGID
. Ensure the data volume directory on the host is owned by the same user you specify and it will "just work" ™.
Webui is on port 9091, the settings.json file in /config has extra settings not available in the webui. Stop the container before editing it or any changes won't be saved.
this requires 3 settings to be changed in the settings.json file.
Make sure the container is stopped before editing these settings.
"rpc-authentication-required": true,
- check this, the default is false, change to true.
"rpc-username": "transmission",
substitute transmission for your chosen user name, this is just an example.
will be a hash starting with {, replace everything including the { with your chosen password, keeping the quotes.
Transmission will convert it to a hash when you restart the container after making the above edits.
This requires "blocklist-enabled": true,
to be set. By setting this to true, it is assumed you have also populated blocklist-url
with a valid block list.
The automatic update is a shell script that downloads a blocklist from the url stored in the settings.json, gunzips it, and restarts the transmission daemon.
The automatic update will run once a day at 3am local server time.