NodeJS package for splitting pdfs, based on given ranges or keywords. Uses PDFtk and node-pdftk for splitting, and PDF.js for pdf-text-reading
Make sure you have PDFtk installed. Save the path to the executable as an environment variable "PDFTK_EXT".
For example in .env
$ npm install @vtfk/pdf-splitter
Specify which pages you want to split into new documents
Description | Value |
Page one and three as separate documents | ['1', '3'] |
Page one to four (inclusive) as doc and page three, six, and eight to ten (inclusive) as doc | ['1-4', '3 6 8-10'] |
const splitPdf = require('@vtfk/pdf-splitter')
const pdfToSplit = {
pdfPath: 'a pdf.pdf',
ranges: ['1-4', '3 6 8-10', '4 2'],
outputDir: 'path/to/outputDirectory', // Optional, defaults to directory of the input pdf
outputName: 'nameForResultingPdfs' // Optional, defaults to the <NameOfPdf>-<index>.pdf
const result = await splitPdf(pdfToSplit)
Specify on which keywords/sentences you want to split the document on (EVERY word/sentence must be present for it to split on that page - see option "orKeywords" for the SOME instead of EVERY)
NOTE: At least one keyword or sentence must be unique for the document
const splitPdf = require('@vtfk/pdf-splitter')
const pdfToSplit = {
pdfPath: 'a pdf.pdf',
keywords: ['a unique sentence for the page you want to split on', 'word', 'another'],
outputDir: 'path/to/outputDirectory', // Optional, defaults to directory of the input pdf
outputName: 'nameForResultingPdfs' // Optional, defaults to the <NameOfPdf>-<index>.pdf
const result = await splitPdf(pdfToSplit)
Only return the pages where the keywords are present as separate documents
const splitPdf = require('@vtfk/pdf-splitter')
const pdfToSplit = {
pdfPath: 'a pdf.pdf',
keywords: ['a unique sentence for the page you want to split on', 'word', 'another'],
outputDir: 'path/to/outputDirectory', // Optional, defaults to directory of the input pdf
outputName: 'nameForResultingPdfs', // Optional, defaults to the <NameOfPdf>-<index>.pdf
onlyPagesWithKeywords: true
const result = await splitPdf(pdfToSplit)
options.orKeywords Only require ONE of the keywords to be present on the page, for it to split on that page
const splitPdf = require('@vtfk/pdf-splitter')
const pdfToSplit = {
pdfPath: 'a pdf.pdf',
keywords: ['a unique sentence for the page you want to split on', 'word', 'another'], // will split if one of these are present on the page
outputDir: 'path/to/outputDirectory', // Optional, defaults to directory of the input pdf
outputName: 'nameForResultingPdfs', // Optional, defaults to the <NameOfPdf>-<index>.pdf
orKeywords: true // Optional, defaults to false
const result = await splitPdf(pdfToSplit)