Easy tool for sending documents to manual archiving queue
git clone https://github.com/vtfk/send-to-arkivarer-for-handling.git
Navigate into the cloned repo in a terminal and run
npm i
Setup your .env file
P360_ORIGIN_RECNO="recno from the codetable 'origin' in Public 360 Web Admin, if you don't know what it is, leave this blank and use the default"
DEFAULT_MSG="Set a default message that will be displayed on the file for arkivarer"
- Move files you want to send to manual archiving into the <INPUT FOLDER>
- Rename the files to something that will be understandable for the archivists on the following form:
- <Filename>---<Message (optional)>---<OriginRecno (optional)>
- If Message or originRecno is not set - default will be used, so usually all you need to set is a filename
- You MUST use '---' as the delimiter in the filenames
- Run
node index.js
- Imported files are moved to <INPUT FOLDER>/imported
- Failed files are moved to <INPUT FOLDER>/error
- You will get notified in the console/terminal if something weird happens
This input file
Will appear like this for the archivists
- Create a new folder like this: <INPUT FOLDER>/folderImport/<YOUR FOLDER> (create "folderImport" dir inside <INPUT FOLDER> if it does not exist)
- Rename <YOUR FOLDER> to something that will be understandable for the archivists on the following form:
- <Filename>---<Message (optional)>---<OriginRecno (optional)>
- If Message or originRecno is not set - default will be used, so usually all you need to set is a filename
- You MUST use '---' as the delimiter in the folder-name
- Move all the files you want to import into <YOUR FOLDER>, these files can be named whatever you want - the folder name will override the filenames.
- Run
node index.js
- Imported files are moved to <INPUT FOLDER>/folderImport//imported
- Failed files are moved to <INPUT FOLDER>/folderImport//error
- You will get notified in the console/terminal if something weird happens
If you create a folder like this inside the 'folderImport'-directory
With these files inside the folder
It will appear like this for the archivists