This is service to integrate with those 3rd parties to purchase prepaid data of SIM card. Below is the main stream of services. Service have 3 Module:
- First, this is RestFull API to recive request from customer and response voucher to customer via RestAPI or SMS.
- Second is module to create http request to 3rd parties to retive voucher and handle response of 3rd parties.
- Third is message queue broker (RabbitMQ) to transformation and routing messages mediate between RestFull API and module second.
- Spring boot, Spring data JPA,Maven, MySQL, RabbitMQ, JUnit
- WireMock to mock API 3re parties
- Inner folder 'ProviderVoucherWireMock'. excute command to run WireMock. Property --port to specific port ( I use port 9999)
java -jar wiremock-standalone-2.27.2.jar --port 9999
- Spring boot app, RestAPI will run in port 2912. (http://localhost:2912/swagger-ui.html)
mvn spring-boot:run