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feat: add Montine footers
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altrusl committed Dec 5, 2023
1 parent 4480fa6 commit 93f3b6c
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Showing 11 changed files with 450 additions and 3 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/assets/images/instagram.svg
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Binary file added src/assets/images/logo.png
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Binary file added src/assets/images/logo.webp
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53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions src/assets/images/logo1.svg
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/assets/images/twitter.svg
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/assets/images/youtube.svg
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159 changes: 159 additions & 0 deletions src/components/footers/MontineFooter.vue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
import BaseIcon from "@/components/ui/BaseIcon.vue";
const links = [
{ title: "Contact", route: { name: "contacts" } },
{ title: "Privacy", route: { name: "about" } },
{ title: "Blog", route: { name: "about" } },
{ title: "Store", route: { name: "about" } },
{ title: "Careers", route: { name: "about" } },
const socials = [
{ name: "twitter", url: "" },
{ name: "youtube", url: "" },
{ name: "instagram", url: "" },

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2.48-3.782V92.172c0-4.63-.972-8.845-2.914-12.648-1.943-3.803-4.526-6.84-7.75-9.114-3.224-2.273-6.779-3.41-10.664-3.41-4.134 0-7.626.971-10.478 2.914-2.852 1.943-4.898 4.113-6.138 6.51v-3.72c0-1.488-.682-2.687-2.046-3.596-1.364-.91-3.038-1.364-5.022-1.364-2.315 0-4.216.455-5.704 1.364-1.488.91-2.232 2.108-2.232 3.596v48.856c0 1.24.744 2.397 2.232 3.472 1.488 1.075 3.39 1.612 5.704 1.612 2.232 0 4.133-.537 5.704-1.612 1.57-1.075 2.356-2.232 2.356-3.472V92.172c0-2.315.496-4.299 1.488-5.952.992-1.653 2.273-2.935 3.844-3.844 1.57-.91 3.182-1.364 4.836-1.364 1.984 0 3.802.558 5.456 1.674 1.653 1.116 2.955 2.5 3.906 4.154a10.52 10.52 0 011.426 5.332v29.388c0 1.653.868 2.914 2.604 3.782 1.736.868 3.513 1.302 5.332 1.302zm47.68 1.116c4.464 0 8.328-.558 11.594-1.674 3.265-1.116 5.786-2.48 7.564-4.092 1.777-1.612 2.666-3.12 2.666-4.526 0-.827-.248-1.798-.744-2.914a8.641 8.641 0 00-2.108-2.914c-.91-.827-1.984-1.24-3.224-1.24-1.158 0-2.398.372-3.72 1.116-1.323.744-2.894 1.53-4.712 2.356-1.819.827-4.092 1.24-6.82 1.24-4.299 0-7.792-1.095-10.478-3.286-2.687-2.19-4.03-5.063-4.03-8.618v-1.86h25.172c1.901 0 3.74-.186 5.518-.558 1.777-.372 3.244-1.323 4.402-2.852 1.157-1.53 1.736-4.071 1.736-7.626 0-4.63-1.199-8.68-3.596-12.152-2.398-3.472-5.518-6.2-9.362-8.184-3.844-1.984-8.08-2.976-12.71-2.976-5.043 0-9.61 1.137-13.702 3.41-4.092 2.273-7.358 5.29-9.796 9.052-2.439 3.761-3.658 7.874-3.658 12.338v10.54c0 5.043 1.281 9.486 3.844 13.33 2.562 3.844 6.096 6.82 10.602 8.928 4.505 2.108 9.692 3.162 15.562 3.162zm4.092-35.836h-18.104v-3.472c0-1.984.516-3.7 1.55-5.146 1.033-1.447 2.376-2.563 4.03-3.348 1.653-.785 3.43-1.178 5.332-1.178 1.984 0 3.802.413 5.456 1.24 1.653.827 2.976 1.984 3.968 3.472s1.488 3.183 1.488 5.084c0 1.323-.269 2.211-.806 2.666-.538.455-1.509.682-2.914.682z"
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Acme Inc.
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