This project is developed from the MuServerEx project.
Server has been tested under the following systems on 32bit and 64bit installations but should also compile and run under any system where .NET 3.5 are available. By default Server dont support native x64 compilations.
* Windows XP SP3 (32bit)
* Windows 8 (64bit)
Thanks to following people. If some is missing please contact us and the list will be updated.
* [BOR] Sanek, Leo123
* [RCT] Mesosa, Wolf, Emaleto
* [MUBK] lordoftech
Introduction Here you will learn how to setup Server.
Downloading & Setup Please download Github
Step 1: Download Latest Source Version.
Step 2: Compile with Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.
* ConnectServer
* DataServer
* eDataServer
* GameServer
Step 3: Put Compiled exes in Compiled folder:
* C:/Source/BoR Team - CS DS JS/BoR/Release/ConnectServer.exe > C:/Compiled/ConnectServer
* C:/Source/DataServer/Release/DataServer.exe > C:/Compiled/DataServer
* C:/Source/DataServerBK/Release/eDataServer.exe > C:/Compiled/DataServerBK
* C:/Source/GameServer/Release/GameServer.exe > C:/Compiled/GameServer
Step 4: Change information in Server
* Open C:/Compiled/DataServer/DataServer.conf - Change SQL Password
* Open C:/Compiled/DataServerEx/eDataServer.ini - Change SQL Password
* Open C:/Compiled/Data/Local/MapServerInfo.dat - Change IP