My personal nvim configuration for quick start on another machine: How to setup NeoVim for React and Typescript development:
Files from this repository are keeping in the ~/.config/nvim
- Git (vim plug use git to clone vim/nvim plugins to the local computer)
- CMake
- Clang
- Neovim
- Node (coc extension require a javascript runtime to do the job)
- Yarn (coc nvim using yarn to install packages)
- Python Package Index(PyPI)
- Coc
- Vim-TSX
- TypeScript-Vim
- Minimalist
- NERDTree
- Vim-fswitch
- Vista.vim
- Vimspector
- Vimtex
- UltiSnips
- Vim-Snippets
- Cppman
- Vim-Cpp-Modern
- Markdown-Preview
- Download vim-plug file.
- Place the plugin inside autoload folder:
The following content is init.vim
temp-file content. The description is in the comment. Highly recommend to read the wiki in GitHub (For downloading s1n7ax's complete configuration)
Before install plugins and start to use them intall dependencies.
For Arch:
yay python-pynvim
For Fedora:
sudo dnf install python-neovim
For Debian:
sudo apt install python3-neovim
You need to open your nvim and run from it command
After install plugins you need to install coc.nvim's build. For that purpose go to the ~/.local/share/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim/build
and start yarn building process:
yarn install
- TSLint, Prettier, and TSServer extensions by default read project configuration files (.tslint, .prettier.config.js and tsconfig.json). Prettier TSLint capabilities can be enabled in the
. For example,[coc-prettier](
:CocInstall coc-tsserver
Depending on your Linux distribution, use one of the following methods to install The Silver Searcher.
On Arch:
yay the_silver_searcher
On AlmaLinux, CentOS 8 or later, and Fedora, use the following command:
sudo dnf install the_silver_searcher
On Debian and Ubuntu, use the following command:
sudo apt install silversearcher-ag
command runs coc configuration.- Default autocomplete is annoying since it’s controlled by arrow keys to select. Read completion with sources to configure it to tab.
For each project we need to create vimspector.json which contains information about how to start a debugger session. This file is pretty simple, and you will usually just copy it between your projects with minimal changes. Here is an example content:
"configurations": {
"Launch": {
"adapter": "vscode-cpptools",
"configuration": {
"request": "launch",
"program": "${gadgetDir}/vscode-cpptools/debugAdapters/bin/OpenDebugAD7",
"externalConsole": true
Check ccls FAQ
Try to delete into the folder /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/
all libraries with the largest version number than you use.
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