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A C++ network library including Socket and HTTP.


To build the project, all you need to do is to open build/Net.sln with Visual Studio 2015 and build it.


TCP Socket Example

Let's start with a simple echo server. (To make examples simple, we ignore all error checks.)

#include <iostream>

#include "net/socket/ServerSocket.h"

int main()
    net::ServerSocket server(8989);
    auto ss = server.Accept();

    char buffer[256] = { 0 };
    int n = ss->Receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1);
    std::cout << "Client Message: " << buffer << std::endl;
    ss->Send(buffer, n);

    return 0;

Well, we can create a ServerSocket with the default ctor, then call Bind and Listen.

net::ServerSocket server

Now let's make a simple client.

#include <iostream>

#include "net/socket/StreamSocket.h"

int main()
    net::StreamSocket ss;
    ss.Connect(net::SocketAddress("", 8989));

    std::string msg = "Hello World";
    ss.Send(msg.c_str(), msg.length());
    char buffer[256]{ 0 };
    ss.Receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1);

    std::cout << "Echo Message: " << buffer << std::endl;
    return 0;

UDP Socket Example

Like TCP Example, firstly, let's build a UDP echo server.

#include <iostream>

#include "net/socket/DatagramSocket.h"

int main()
    net::DatagramSocket server;
    server.Bind(net::SocketAddress("", 9191));

    net::SocketAddress sender;
    char buffer[256]{ 0 };
    int n = server.ReceiveFrom(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, sender);
    std::cout << "Received Message: " << buffer << std::endl;

    server.SendTo(buffer, n, sender);

    return 0;

Here we can build two kinds of client.

One, we use Send and Receive.

Codes are as follows:

#include <iostream>

#include "net/socket/DatagramSocket.h"

int main()
    net::DatagramSocket ds;
    ds.Connect(net::SocketAddress("", 9191));

    std::string msg = "Hello World";
    ds.Send(msg.c_str(), msg.length());

    char buffer[256]{ 0 };
    ds.Receive(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1);
    std::cout << "Echo Message: " << buffer << std::endl;
    return 0;

The other, we use SendTo and ReceiveFrom.

Here are the codes:

#include <iostream>

#include "net/socket/DatagramSocket.h"

int main()
    net::DatagramSocket ds;

    std::string msg = "Hello World";
    ds.SendTo(msg.c_str(), msg.length(), net::SocketAddress("", 9191));

    char buffer[256]{ 0 };
    net::SocketAddress sa;
    ds.ReceiveFrom(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, sa);
    std::cout << "Echo Message: " << buffer << std::endl;
    return 0;

HTTP Client Example

To do a http request, all we need to do are as follows:

#include <iostream>

#include "net/http/client.h"

int main()
    auto client = net::http::Client::Create();
    auto response = client->Get("");
    if (nullptr == response)
        return 0;
    std::cout << response->GetBody() << std::endl;

    // We can make use of the existing client instance.
    response = client->Get("");
    if (nullptr == response)
        return 0;
    std::cout << response->GetBody() << std::endl;
    return 0;

The Client provides Get, Head, Post, PostForm and Do methods. We can choose one of them to do what we want.

Currently, we haven't supplied HTTPS service.

HTTP Server Example

To build a http server, what we can do is like follows:

#include <iostream>

#include "net/http/handler.h"
#include "net/http/server.h"

using namespace net::http;

class SimpleHttpHandler : public Handler
    virtual void ServeHTTP(std::shared_ptr<Context> ctx) override
        std::cout << "Received Url: " << ctx->GetRequest()->GetUrl().ToString() << std::endl;
        ctx->Write("Hello World");

int main()
    auto server = Server::Create(8080);
    return 0;

Currently, we haven't supplied HTTPS service.


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