- Wind manager breaks after leaving and rejoining a game.
- Wind Sound shuts off completely after changing dimensions.
- Blacklist names not lining up with actual particle names
- IW only creates config file if modmenu is installed
- Particles were affected in fluids (water) unintentionally
Please report any bugs: Github Issues
- Wind is now only prevelent in the OverWorld.
- Nether has a updraft mechanic. Which causes particles to move vertically instead of horizontally.
- (Experimental) Wind Wisp Particles can now manually be chosen to spawn. Via the config. These are a WIP.
- Code basis for more weather types. (New weather commands they dont do anything yet)
Dynamic Particle Movement: Experience particles such as smoke, flames, and even snowflakes react realistically to the wind's direction and intensity. Watch as smoke billows and snowflakes drift with the breeze, adding depth and atmosphere to your surroundings.
Enhanced Weather Integration: Integrate wind effects seamlessly with existing weather systems. The more severe the weather, the higher the winds!
Hopefully we pull away from the particle rain dependency this update
- Custom Rain Particles that have direction and magnitude! (OHH YEAH!)
- Custom Snow Particles.
- New weather types
- Seperate Rain weather type into rain or snow
- Seperate Thunder weather type into rain+thunder or snow+thunder
New Cloud system (not a localized weather system just an asthetic and code basis)
Localized weather system
Underwater currents + physics engine for particles and player
More to come! If you want to suggest a feature feel free to do so on my Github Issues!
In the Particle Rain config lessen the spawn radius to improve performance, I recommend around 15 or less.
Particle Rain is needed to disable the rendering of Vanilla Weather so that Immersive Winds can affect the Particle Rain and Snow to follow wind paterns