This is a lightweight implementation of the BIG register Soap interface.. A mapping of all the Soap types is provided.
Start by installing composer. Then, install this library:
$ php composer.phar require "waarneembemiddeling/bigregister-soap"
PHP 8.0 and ext-soap
Most users will be satisfied by using the Service
class provided. The service class parses the response
into php arrays and transforms all ids into readable values.
// Will return only one or none result
$service = new Wb\BigRegister\SoapClient\Service();
// Will return only one or none result
$service = new Wb\BigRegister\SoapClient\Service();
print_r($service->findByLastnameAndCity('Janssen', 'Amsterdam'));
For power users who just want to use the raw unaltered response we offer the possibility to use the Client
Creating a new instance is as simple as:
$client = new \Wb\BigRegister\SoapClient\Client();
Search on a number:
$client = new \Wb\BigRegister\SoapClient\Client();
$request = new \Wb\BigRegister\SoapClient\Model\ListHcpApproxRequest();
$request->RegistrationNumber = '123';
$response = $client->ListHcpApprox4($request);
// dump the response
We're using the native php SoapClient. If you want to change the WSDL (f.e. if you want to use the demo environment) or want to override the options in order to debug the client you can do so:
$wsdl = 'http://host.tld/myWsdl';
$options = array(
'trace' => true
$client = new \Wb\BigRegister\SoapClient\Client($wsdl, $options);
For more information about the native client check