A cross-platform Swift library for working with various image file formats.
: Using pnggroup/libpng (via the-swift-collective/libpng).jpeg
: Using tayloraswift/jpeg.webp
: Using webmproject/libwebp (via the-swift-collective/libwebp)
In future I'd like to add support for bitmaps, gifs, and heic files.
There are many different ways to load images. Which one you use will depend on how much
you know about the image that you're loading. In this example we will let Image
use the
file extension to detect the file format, but you can also just give it bytes and it
will detect the image format from the first few bytes of the file. If you know the
file format up-front, you can use Image.load(from:as:)
import Foundation
import ImageFormats
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "image.png")
let bytes = [UInt8](try Data(contentsOf: url))
let image = Image<RGBA>.load(from: bytes, usingFileExtension: fileExtension)
print("width = \(image.width)")
print("height = \(image.height)")
print("pixel @ (0, 0) = \(image[row: 0][column: 0])")
import Foundation
import ImageFormats
let image: Image<RGBA> = ...
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "image.png")
let pngBytes = try image.encodeToPNG()
try Data(pngBytes).write(to: url)
let bytes: [UInt8] = [...]
let format = Image.detectFormat(of: bytes)
let rgbaImage: Image<RGBA> = ...
let rgbImage = rgbaImage.convert(to: RGB.self)
struct Grayscale: BytesConvertible, RGBAConvertible {
static let stride = 1
var luminosity: UInt8
var rgba: RGBA {
init(_ luminosity: UInt8) {
self.luminosity = luminosity
init(from rgba: RGBA) {
luminosity = (rgba.red * 299 + rgba.green * 587 + rgba.blue * 114) / 1000
func encode(to array: inout [UInt8], at offset: Int) {
array[offset] = luminosity
static func decode(_ bytes: ArraySlice<UInt8>) -> Self {
return Self(bytes[bytes.startIndex])
You can now convert images to grayscale from any format. All conversions
go via RGBA
let image: Image<RGB> = ...
let grayscale = image.convert(to: Grayscale.self)
Not yet implemented.