Vog-Mog is a demo application that based on my game engine Vog.
Motion capture (Mocap) is my FYP topic.
Currently only support OpenGL.
Kinect and IMU are used for the motion capture hardwares
• Deferred-Rendering
• Entity-Component-System(ECS)
• Basic Physics system
• Basic animation loading
• Model loading
• Shading features (Bloom / Blur, Shadow Mapping, Trail)
• Simple user Interface
• Basic character control system with serial data
The Demo game:
(with our motion capture device)
How-to-build only Windows support Windows:
- clone the project
- open generateProjects.bat
- open and compile the visual studio project
- done
**default premake setting do not include Kinect SDK
• Mostly Shading Features:
• Engine Architecture and main design:
• OpenGL Init References:
- https://github.com/Eversmile12/OpenGLNative/blob/master/OpenGL/OpenGL/src/WinMain.cpp
- https://github.com/SimpleTalkCpp/SimpleTalkCpp_Tutorial/blob/main/Graphic/Advance%20OpenGL/Advance%20OpenGL%20003/MyOpenGLWindow.h
• ECS:
- https://wickedengine.net/2019/09/29/entity-component-system/
- https://indiegamedev.net/2020/05/19/an-entity-component-system-with-data-locality-in-cpp/
- https://austinmorlan.com/posts/entity_component_system/#the-component
- https://www.david-colson.com/2020/02/09/making-a-simple-ecs.html
• Physics:
- Physics for Game Developers, 2nd Edition
- Game Physics Cookbook (2017)
- https://blog.winter.dev/2020/designing-a-physics-engine/
- https://wickedengine.net/2020/04/26/capsule-collision-detection/
• Kinect References:
- Microsoft Kinect v2 Native sample
- https://github.com/UnaNancyOwen/Kinect2Sample
- https://gist.github.com/UnaNancyOwen/e0421bbf25e7fe527764