- State - State contract, where identity states are published
- Smt - library to manage Sparse Merkle Trees onchain
Network | Address |
Polygon Mainnet | 0x624ce98D2d27b20b8f8d521723Df8fC4db71D79D |
Polygon Amoy testnet | 0x1a4cC30f2aA0377b0c3bc9848766D90cb4404124 |
Privado Main | 0x975556428F077dB5877Ea2474D783D6C69233742 |
Privado testnet | 0x975556428F077dB5877Ea2474D783D6C69233742 |
Polygon Mumbai testnet | 0x134B1BE34911E39A8397ec6289782989729807a4 |
Network | Address |
Polygon Mainnet | 0xbEeB6bB53504E8C872023451fd0D23BeF01d320B |
Polygon Amoy testnet | 0x3d3763eC0a50CE1AdF83d0b5D99FBE0e3fEB43fb |
Privado Main | 0x58485809CfAc875B7E6F54E3fCb5f24614f202e9 |
Privado testnet | 0x58485809CfAc875B7E6F54E3fCb5f24614f202e9 |
Polygon Mumbai testnet | 0x16A1ae4c460C0a42f0a87e69c526c61599B28BC9 |
Network | Address |
Polygon Mainnet | 0x394d1dad46907bd54d15926A1ab4535EF2BF47b1 |
Polygon Amoy testnet | 0x1B20320042b29AE5c1a3ADc1674cb6bF8760530f |
Nethermind has performed a security audit of our core smart contracts (State & Smt) and compiled a report on Apr 18, 2023: NM_0069_POLYGON_FINAL.pdf
Nethermind has performed a second security audit of our core smart contracts (State, IdentityBase, GenesisUtils, OnChainIdentity) and compiled a report on Sep 13, 2023: NM0113-FINAL-POLYGONID.pdf
Uncomment networks object and updated blockchain provider url and private key in hardhat.config.js
for the relevant network.
Then run the deployment script:
npx hardhat run --network <your-network> scripts/deployState.ts
npx hardhat test
Run tests with gas statistics report:
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
Run tests with gas statistics and costs report:
COINMARKETCAP_KEY=<<your coinmarketcap key>> REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat help
cd contracts
npm publish
Compute didType with:
core.registerDidMethod('opid', 0b00000011);
method: 'opid',
blockchain: 'optimism',
chainId: 10,
network: 'main',
networkFlag: 0b1000_0000 | 0b0000_0001
const mainDidType = core.buildDIDType('opid', 'optimism', 'main');
const mainDidHex = mainDidType.map((num) => num.toString(16));
console.log('main did type:', mainDidHex);
And add it in ./helpers/ChainIdDefTypeMap.ts
This repository is part of the iden3 project copyright 2023 0KIMS Association and published under GPL-3.0 license. Please check the LICENSE file for more details.