##Overview SQLObjectify is an Active Record inspired ORM, that allows users to connect Ruby defined classes to SQL relational databases.
#Base Class
Users can implement the functionality of SQLObjectify by having their defined classes inherit from the base class SQLObject
. By utilizing naming conventions (both in the class definitions and in the SQL table foreign keys) they will be able to establish associations betweeen relational databases.
class User < SQLObject
The base class, SQLObject
is implemented using metaprogramming concepts to create attr_accessor
's for user database columns. These allow users to query their SQL databases using object method calls. Refer to the bottom table for the naming conventions that are implemented.
def initialize(params = {})
params.each do |attr_name, value|
unless self.class.columns.include?(attr_name.to_sym)
raise "unknown attribute '#{attr_name}'"
send("#{attr_name}=".to_sym, value)
Users can use hash mapping relations to make SQL WHERE
queries using a params hash {column_name: where_condition}
(add example). Users can string multiple conditions by adding additional key value pairs to their params hash.
Users are able to generate methods to access data from a relational database by providing foreign, primary keys, and the class name of associated to the table. Users can manually provide this information and define the method name, however if they utilize the naming conventions these relations are automatically established. (put make a table of with names and with out)
Users can create belongs_to
associations between tables. This generates a method that generates an instance method to quickly query a related table, where it is relation is established through a foreign key. Calling the generated method returns a an instance of the class associated with the query result.
Using naming conventions:
class Student < SQLObject
belongs_to :school
Without naming conventions:
class Student < SQLObject
belongs_to (:school
:class_name => "School",
:foreign_key => :student_id,
:primary_key => :id
The inverse relation to a belongs_to
association is a has_many
. This generates an instance method that allows an instance method to quickly query a related table who's primary key appears as a foreign key in its database. Calling the generated method returns the query result as an array of class instances.
The has_one_through
creates a one-to-one relation with another table. It generates an instance method that to quickly query a related table. The relation is established through a foreign key that is in the table associated with the class calling has_one_through
Model: class Student
(uppercase singular camelcase)
Table: student
(lowercase singular snake_case)
BelongsTo: belongs_to :school
(lowercase singular snake_case)
HasMany: has_many :books
(lowercase plural snake_case)
HasOne: has_one :locker
(lowercase singular snake_case)
foreign_key(in table): student_id
(lowercase singular snake_case)
primary_key(in table): id