offer a simple and uniform way to publish post to multiple sns websites, such as SinaWeibo, twitter etc.
also offer a elegant(i wish) website that take this advantage.
- base function
- link social account, and store token for a while
- post message to all linked sites
- open new windows to authenticate social account, auto refresh main page when authentication sucess.
- store user input immediately in localstorage(first choice, because it won't be send with header) or cookies
- auto renew access_token
- at least can warn people to renew it manually
- support sharing location
- support uploading images
- refactory angular codes
- AngularLocalStorage @ MIT
- ASP.NET MVC @ Apache License 2.0
- Bootstrap @ MIT License
- Bootstrap-switch @ Apache License 2.0
- EntityFramework @ Apache License 2.0
- jQuery @ MIT License
- Tweetinvi @ Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)
© 2014 GPL license