a customer UIViewController with a WKWebview, which handle most js-native mutual invoke, and url interception
// url interception
urlPatternAction actionA = ^void(NSURL *url) {
NSLog(@"aaaaa, %@", url);
urlPatternAction actionB = ^void(NSURL *url) {
NSLog(@"bbbb, %@", url);
urlPatternAction actionC = ^void(NSURL *url) {
NSLog(@"ccc, %@", url);
// pass url-action pairs
// url pattern can be plain string or regex
self.urlPatterns = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@{kWebKitUrlPatternKey: @".*baidu.*", kWebKitUrlPatternBlock: actionA},
@{kWebKitUrlPatternKey: @"sohu", kWebKitUrlPatternBlock: actionB},
@{kWebKitUrlPatternKey: @"sina", kWebKitUrlPatternBlock: actionC},
// js invoke native method
messageHandler method1 = ^void(WKScriptMessage *message) {
NSLog(@"method 1: body: %@", message.body);
messageHandler log = ^void(WKScriptMessage *message) {
NSLog(@"%@", message.body);
// pass name-action pairs
self.messageHandlers = @[@{kWebKitMessageTitle: @"m1", kWebKitMessageHandler: method1},
@{kWebKitMessageTitle: @"log1", kWebKitMessageHandler: log}];
// it's also more easy to add start/end js code
self.headerJS = @"alert('header js invoked');";
self.footerJS = @"appBridge.log1('footer js invoked');";
// you can load url, file, string by setting property
self.fileUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"index.html" ofType:nil]];
[self loadPage];
every messageHandlers passed to page wraped in a appBridge
<button onclick="alert(1);">alert</button><br>
<button onclick="alert(confirm('ok?'));">confirm</button><br>
<button onclick="alert(prompt('please input', 'abc'));">text</button><br>
<a href="http://www.baidu.com">baidu</a><br/>
<a href="http://www.sina.com.cn">sina</a><br/>
<a href="http://www.sohu.com">sohu</a><br/>
<button onclick="window.webkit.messageHandlers.m1.postMessage({title1:'111', 'title2':'bbb','title3':3333});">本地方法1</button><br/>
<button onclick="appBridge.m1({'name':'hello', 'value':'world'});">封装后的调法</button>