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Wallace v1.0.5

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@jamiemkass jamiemkass released this 22 Jun 19:10
· 1542 commits to master since this release

Again, thank you Wallace Google Group users and those who raised Github issues for helping to improve Wallace! We fixed a lot of bugs and added some requested functionality with this version. Most importantly, we now have a vignette! Below are the changes, which you can also find in the NEWS file.

  • A brand new vignette was finally added to our website. Please find it here:
  • Methods in Ecology and Evolution paper published in April 2018 -- DOI remains the same.
  • The lambdas file for each Maxent model can now be viewed in a subtab of Results.
  • Projections in the Project component no longer overlap with map predictions from the Visualize component.
  • Added more options to Draw toolbar to allow users to erase drawn polygons. Until leaflet.extras enables programmatic removal of drawn polygons again, the Reset button will only reset the data, and not affect polygons.
  • Pagination was added back to the model results table.
  • Enabled download of the model results table as .csv.
  • Removed the pop-up field from the occurrence table for downloads.
  • Fixed a problem with downloading rasters as .png.
  • Fixed bug that made the app crash if Project is selected after pressing Reset to remove the polygon in the Project component.
  • There is now a check to see that rgdal is installed before downloads of rasters are allowed. This turns out to be an issue with raster package, as the rgdal dependency for this function doesn't seem to be functional.
  • The slider for regularization multipliers is now restricted to a minimum of 0.5, and is able to be set to increments of 0.5. An RM value of 0 caused errors for Hinge models, and it's not clear whether RM of 0 is recommendable for other FCs, so it was removed.
  • In the highly improbable case users select all points in the Select Occs module, the app now does not crash, and instead informs the user to select a subset instead.