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Releases: walles/bubblemon

osx-0.11.0: Add battery drain visualization

21 Oct 18:11
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The more the battery runs out, the foggier the image becomes.

osx-0.10.4: Tune used-RAM measurements

16 Sep 21:11
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With this release they are mostly identical to the values displayed
by the Activity Monitor.

osx-0.10.3: Add debug menu item to Dock App

18 Jan 17:23
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It shows detected system load, with CPU count and memory metrics.

Except for that this release makes the Touch Bar app upgradable by
just launching the new Touch Bar installer. Before this change you
had to explicitly remove the previous one to be able to install
the upgraded one.

On the development side, this release comes with support for
Xcode 11.3 and an upgrade to Swift 5. The README info in the
osx/ folder has been moved into one

osx-0.10.2: Make a .dmg installer

08 May 06:56
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To simplify for people when they want to install Bubblemon we now have a .dmg

One of the steps to get around Apple's App Translocation / Gatekeeper Path
Randomization includes having the user copying files from one location to

With this release, making that copy becomes part of the installation, enabling
us to shorten the installation instructions.

App Translocation Handling

07 May 12:48
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  • Dock: Don't fail after reboot
  • Dock: Do launch Activity Monitor on click
  • TouchBar: Bigger view by removing border

This release was made to handle the problems introduced with App Translocation / Gatekeeper Path Randomization.

What happened was that since we were run from a randomized path every time, the path encoded in the Dock's settings became invalid after each reboot.

With this release we tell users to move us before running, which removes the quarantine bits and lets us run like before.

More info:

Touch Bar Support

20 Oct 13:49
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Add a Touch Bar version

Starting with this release the release zip file now contains two Bubblemons,
one bubbling in the Dock like before, and one bubbling in your Touch Bar if you
have one.

Behind the scenes, this release is now (almost) entirely done in Swift.

osx-0.9.4: Count space used by the compressor as used

01 Apr 05:27
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This takes the RAM measurements much closer to the actual amount of physical
RAM in the system.

OS X Release 0.9.3

19 Sep 00:34
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This release just adds an icon.

OS X Release 0.9.2

29 Aug 04:43
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  • With this release, Activity Monitor is launched in the foreground on left
    click. It used to be launched behind other windows.
  • Add a Share on Facebook menu item to the right click menu
  • More warnings enabled, some code cleaned up. No production impact though.

OSX release 0.9.1

19 Oct 17:06
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This release uses less CPU than the previous.

Note that on OSX 10.9 and earlier, you should have your Dock on either the right or the left. That makes the Dock use 6x less CPU than if you have your Dock at the bottom of the screen.

Except for the performance improvements, this release contains packaging and upgradability fixes.