The theme of this game jam is "Interstellar". Our brainstorming session led us toward a game about visualizing and tracing constellations in the night sky.
A typical game loop in pygame looks like this:
async def run(self):
pgclk = pygame.time.Clock()
while not self.done:
for event in pygame.event.get():
dt = pgclk.tick(60)
# Closing the game
- Process events (mouse clicks, keyboard presses etc)
- get the time passed since the last loop and limit frame rate
- Update all the game states (run game logic, move players, play sounds, etc.)
- Draw all the graphics
- Update the screen
A typical element in the game has these methods
- Initialization
- Location of the item
- whatever is unique about this element
- reset (for replay of the level)
- update(dt) Update movement or states (dt is in milliseconds)
- render(window) Draw the item to the graphics window