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warisa-r committed Jun 8, 2024
1 parent 758c7eb commit b4263be
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Showing 10 changed files with 274 additions and 2 deletions.
108 changes: 106 additions & 2 deletions Manifest.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,110 @@

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deps = ["ChainRulesCore", "LinearAlgebra", "Unitful", "UnitfulChainRules"]
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uuid = "77d2bf28-a3e9-4b9c-9fcf-b85f74cc8a50"
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deps = ["ChainRulesCore", "LinearAlgebra", "Unitful"]
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ uuid = "a75b99cc-be56-4638-99bc-d89fa43b9ca1"
authors = ["Warisa <[email protected]> and contributors"]
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Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions examples/1D_shock_scenario1_detection.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
using ShockwaveDetection
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions examples/1D_shock_scenario2_detection.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
using ShockwaveDetection
Binary file added examples/data/euler_scenario_1.out
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added examples/data/euler_scenario_1.tape
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added examples/data/euler_scenario_2.out
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added examples/data/euler_scenario_2.tape
Binary file not shown.
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions src/detect_shock.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@

# Use Interpolations.jl to perform np.gradient-like operations
using Interpolations

using StatsPlots

# Function to compute gradients using Interpolations.jl
# without explicit function definition
function compute_gradients(arr::AbstractVector, x)
# Convert StepRangeLen to LinRange because that's what Interpolations.jl expects
x_linrange = LinRange(first(x), last(x), length(x))
itp = interpolate((x_linrange,), arr, Gridded(Linear()))
grad = only.(Interpolations.gradient.(Ref(itp), x_linrange))
return grad

# Function to compute zero crossings, detecting points where the second derivative changes sign\
# suggesting a potential shock
function zero_crossings(arr)
return [i for i in 2:length(arr) if arr[i-1] * arr[i] < 0]

# Function to detect shock locations at a given time step
function detect_shocks_at_timestep(density_at_t, velocity_at_t, pressure_at_t, x)
# Compute first gradients
density_grad = compute_gradients(density_at_t, x)
velocity_grad = compute_gradients(velocity_at_t, x)
pressure_grad = compute_gradients(pressure_at_t, x)

# Find points where the gradient exceeds a certain threshold
threshold = 0.5 # Adjust this threshold as needed
shock_location_density = findall(gradient -> abs(gradient) > threshold, density_grad)
shock_location_velocity = findall(gradient -> abs(gradient) > threshold, velocity_grad)
shock_location_pressure = findall(gradient -> abs(gradient) > threshold, pressure_grad)

# Combine detections (common shock location across variables)
shock_locations = intersect(intersect(shock_location_density, shock_location_velocity), shock_location_pressure)

return shock_locations

# Read the data
x0_xmax, t_values, u_values, dims_u = read_output_file("C:/Users/user/Documents/School/Sem4/softwareentwicklungspraktikum/shock_wave_detection/ShockwaveProperties.jl/example/data/euler_scenario_2.out")
x = range(x0_xmax[1], stop=x0_xmax[2], length=dims_u[2])
density_field, velocity_field, pressure_field = convert_to_primitive(u_values)

# Detect shocks for each time step and store the positions
shock_positions_over_time = []

for t_step in 1: length(t_values)
density_field_t = density_field[:, t_step]
velocity_field_t = velocity_field[:, t_step]
pressure_field_t = pressure_field[:, t_step]
shock_positions = detect_shocks_at_timestep(density_field_t,velocity_field_t,pressure_field_t, x)
push!(shock_positions_over_time, shock_positions)

# Create an animation
anim = @animate for (t_step, t) in enumerate(t_values)
p1 = plot(x, density_field[:, t_step], title="Density at Time $t", xlabel="x", ylabel="Density", label = "Density across x", size=(800, 600))
p2 = plot(x, velocity_field[:, t_step], title="Velocity at Time $t", xlabel="x", ylabel="Velocity", label = "Velocity across x", size=(800, 600))
p3 = plot(x, pressure_field[:, t_step], title="Pressure at Time $t", xlabel="x", ylabel="Pressure", label = "Pressure across x", size=(800, 600))

# Add markers for the shock positions
shock_positions_t = shock_positions_over_time[t_step]
for pos in shock_positions_t
scatter!(p1, [x[pos]], [density_field[pos, t_step]], color=:red, label=false)
scatter!(p2, [x[pos]], [velocity_field[pos, t_step]], color=:red, label=false)
scatter!(p3, [x[pos]], [pressure_field[pos, t_step]], color=:red, label=false)

plot(p1, p2, p3, layout = (3, 1))

# Save the animation as a gif
gif(anim, "shock_over_time.gif", fps = 10)
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions src/visualize.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
using Plots
using FFMPEG
using ShockwaveProperties: primitive_state_vector, pressure, speed_of_sound, DRY_AIR
using Unitful: Pa, ustrip

function read_output_file(filename)
open(filename, "r") do f
dims_u = Vector{Int}(undef, 2)
read!(f, dims_u)

# Read the first and last x values
x0_xmax = Vector{Float64}(undef, 2)
read!(f, x0_xmax)

# Read the number of time steps
num_timesteps = Vector{Int}(undef, 1)
read!(f, num_timesteps)

# Read the time values
t_values = Vector{Float64}(undef, num_timesteps[1])
read!(f, t_values)

# Read the u values
u_values = Vector{Float64}(undef, prod(dims_u)*num_timesteps[1])
read!(f, u_values)

# Reshape u_values to a 3D array
u_values = reshape(u_values, dims_u[1], dims_u[2], num_timesteps[1]) # N_u x N_x x N_t as u a vector of 3 is written in range of x according to each time step

return x0_xmax, t_values, u_values, dims_u

# Euler is in a "conserved" form and the vector u contains (density, momentum, total energy) at each point x and time t
# So we want to convert these to (density, velocity, pressure) to calculate delta1 and delta2 according to [6]

# Read the data and create the animation
# x0_xmax, t_values, u_values, dims_u = read_output_file("C:/Users/user/Documents/School/Sem4/softwareentwicklungspraktikum/shock_wave_detection/ShockwaveProperties.jl/example/data/euler_scenario_2.out")

# Convert u_values to primitive variables. It's convert to density, velocity, pressure
function convert_to_primitive(u_values)
u_prim = zeros(size(u_values))
for i in 1:size(u_values, 2)
for j in 1:size(u_values, 3)
# primitive_state_vector returns value without units
u_p_M_T = primitive_state_vector(u_values[:, i, j]; gas=DRY_AIR)
p_u = pressure(u_p_M_T[1], u_p_M_T[3]; gas=DRY_AIR)
# Store density
u_prim[1, i, j] = u_p_M_T[1]
# Convert Mach to m/s using speed_of_sound
u_prim[2, i, j] = u_p_M_T[2] * ustrip(speed_of_sound(u_p_M_T[3]; gas=DRY_AIR))
# Strip the unit of pressure so that it can be stored in an empty array
u_prim[3, i, j] = ustrip(p_u)

# Extract the density, velocity, and pressure fields
density_field = u_prim[1, :, :]
velocity_field = u_prim[2, :, :]
pressure_field = u_prim[3, :, :]
return density_field, velocity_field, pressure_field

function create_animation(x0_xmax, t_values, density_field, velocity_field, pressure_field)
# Create a range of x values
x = range(x0_xmax[1], stop=x0_xmax[2], length=dims_u[2])

# Create a range of t values
t = t_values

# Create an animation
anim = @animate for (i, t) in enumerate(t_values)
p1 = Plots.plot(x, density_field[:, i], title="Density at Time $t", xlabel="x", ylabel="Density(kg/m^3)", label = "Density across x", size=(800, 600))
p2 = Plots.plot(x, velocity_field[:, i], title="Velocity at Time $t", xlabel="x", ylabel="Velocity(m/s)", label = "Velocity across x", size=(800, 600))
p3 = Plots.plot(x, pressure_field[:, i], title="Pressure at Time $t", xlabel="x", ylabel="Pressure(Pa)", label = "Pressure across x", size=(800, 600))
plot(p1, p2, p3, layout = (3, 1))
# Save the animation as a gif
gif(anim, "density_velocity_pressure_over_time.gif", fps = 10)

#density_field, velocity_field, pressure_field = convert_to_primitive(u_values)

#create_animation(x0_xmax, t_values, density_field, velocity_field, pressure_field)

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