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adjustment on the comparison algorithm
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dzhingarska committed Sep 28, 2024
1 parent 035d7da commit ec4a1fb
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Showing 4 changed files with 83 additions and 89 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions analysis/examples/sod_shock_tube_1d.jl
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ using Distributions

# Create a NoiseData instance
noise_data = NoiseAnalysis.NoiseData(0.01, Normal(0, 0.1)) # 1% noise intensity, Gaussian distribution
noise_data = NoiseAnalysis.NoiseData(0.01, Normal(0, 0.7)) # 1% noise intensity, Gaussian distribution

flow_data = FlowData("examples/data/sod_shock_left_1d.tape", false)

Expand All @@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ noisy_shock_positions_over_time = detect(noisy_flow_data, point_detect_algo)
#println("noisy_shock_positions_over_time: ", noisy_shock_positions_over_time)

# Detect and compare shock positions with and without noise
shock_diff = NoiseAnalysis.compare_shock_positions_over_time_1d(original_shock_positions_over_time, noisy_shock_positions_over_time, 10.0, 100.0)
shock_diff = NoiseAnalysis.compare_shock_positions_over_time_1d(original_shock_positions_over_time, noisy_shock_positions_over_time; threshold=10.0)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions analysis/examples/sod_shock_tube_2d.jl
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ noisy_flow_data = NoiseAnalysis.apply_noise_to_flow(flow_data, noise_data)

point_detect_algo = ImageProcessingShockDetectionAlgo(0.8, :prewitt)
fitting_algo = FittingAlgo(0.1, true)
dbscan_algo = DBSCANAlgo(1.05, 3, 10)
dbscan_algo = DBSCANAlgo(0.95, 3, 10)

#original_detection = detect(flow_data, point_detect_algo, dbscan_algo, fitting_algo)
#noisy_detection = detect(noisy_flow_data, point_detect_algo, dbscan_algo, fitting_algo)
Expand All @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ noisy_shock_fits_over_time = fit_shock_clusters_over_time(noisy_shock_clusters_o
#println("noisy_shock_fits_over_time: ", noisy_shock_fits_over_time)

rmse_value = NoiseAnalysis.compare_shock_fits_over_time(original_shock_fits_over_time, noisy_shock_fits_over_time)
rmse_value = NoiseAnalysis.compare_shock_fits_over_time(original_shock_fits_over_time, noisy_shock_fits_over_time, original_shock_positions_over_time, noisy_shock_positions_over_time, flow_data; threshold=10.0)
println("RMSE between fits: ", rmse_value)

#shock_fits_difference = NoiseAnalysis.compare_shock_fits_over_time(original_shock_fits_over_time, noisy_shock_fits_over_time)
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162 changes: 78 additions & 84 deletions analysis/noise.jl
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Expand Up @@ -131,37 +131,45 @@ function find_closest_match(value, noisy_positions)
return noisy_positions[min_idx], min_idx

function compare_shock_positions_over_time_1d(original_positions, noisy_positions, threshold=10.0, large_penalty=100.0)
diffs = Float64[]
missing_count = 0
# Helper function to find the closest match for a shock in the noisy data
function find_closest_match(value, noisy_positions)
if isempty(noisy_positions)
return nothing, nothing

# Find the closest position in noisy_positions
differences = abs.(noisy_positions .- value)
min_diff, min_idx = findmin(differences)

# Return the closest noisy position and its index
return noisy_positions[min_idx], min_idx

# Main function to compare 1D shock positions over time
function compare_shock_positions_over_time_1d(original_positions, noisy_positions; threshold=10.0)
diffs = Float64[] # To store the differences between shocks
missing_count = 0 # Track the number of missing shocks

for (orig, noisy) in zip(original_positions, noisy_positions)
if isempty(orig) && isempty(noisy)
# Both are empty, no shocks detected in both original and noisy
# No shocks in both original and noisy, no comparison needed
elseif isempty(noisy) && !isempty(orig)
# Noisy missed all shocks, apply large penalty for each missing shock
missing_count += length(orig)
for _ in orig
push!(diffs, large_penalty)
# No shocks detected in noisy but there are shocks in original
missing_count += length(orig) # Count all as missing
elseif isempty(orig)
# No original shock, but noisy detected something (false positives)
# This may not count as a "missing", but it could be penalized differently
missing_count += length(noisy)
for _ in noisy
push!(diffs, large_penalty)
elseif isempty(orig) && !isempty(noisy)
# Original has no shocks, but noisy has extra shocks (false positives)
missing_count += length(noisy) # Count all noisy as false detections

# Match shocks between original and noisy
for orig_pos in orig
closest_noisy_pos, closest_idx = find_closest_match(orig_pos, noisy)

if isnothing(closest_noisy_pos) || abs(orig_pos - closest_noisy_pos) > threshold
# No match found within threshold, apply penalty
push!(diffs, large_penalty)
# No match found within the threshold, consider it missing
missing_count += 1
# Calculate squared difference for valid matches
Expand All @@ -171,92 +179,78 @@ function compare_shock_positions_over_time_1d(original_positions, noisy_position
deleteat!(noisy, closest_idx)

# Any remaining noisy positions are unmatched, count as false positives
if !isempty(noisy)
missing_count += length(noisy)

# If there are no valid differences to compute RMSE, return NaN and the count of missing positions
if isempty(diffs)
return NaN, missing_count

# Calculate RMSE only on the valid matched differences
rmse = sqrt(mean(diffs))
return rmse, missing_count

compare_shock_fits_over_time(original_fit, noisy_fit)
Compare the parameters of original and noisy shock fits over time by calculating the root mean square error (RMSE) between them.
### Parameters:
- `original_fit::Vector{Vector{Union{Nothing, Fitting}}}`: A nested vector of fitting instances representing the original shock fits. Each inner vector corresponds to shock fits at a specific time step.
- `noisy_fit::Vector{Vector{Union{Nothing, Fitting}}}`: A nested vector of fitting instances representing the noisy shock fits. Each inner vector corresponds to shock fits at the same specific time step.
### Returns:
- `Float64`: The root mean square error (RMSE) between the extracted parameters of the original and noisy fits.
### Details:
- The function extracts the first parameter from each fitting instance (if valid) and compares the parameters from both original and noisy fits.
- If there are any missing parameters (instances of `nothing`), they are counted and reported.
- If the lengths of the parameter vectors differ, the shorter vector is padded with zeroes to match the length of the longer vector.
- The function computes the RMSE based on the differences between the parameter vectors.
function compare_shock_fits_over_time(original_fit, noisy_fit)
# Initialize parameter storage and missing count
original_params = Float64[]
noisy_params = Float64[]
missing_count = 0 # Count how many parameters are missing

# Helper function to extract parameters from nested arrays
function extract_params(fits, params)
for fit_vector in fits
for fit in fit_vector
if fit !== nothing
# Append all elements of fit.parameters to params
append!(params, fit.parameters)
# Helper function to calculate residuals between fit and original data points from the shock point detection
function calculate_residuals(fit::ShockwaveDetection.Fitting, data_points)
residuals = Float64[]

for i in eachindex(data_points)
fitted_value = fit.model(data_points[i][1], fit.parameters) # Call the model function with parameters
actual_value = data_points[i][2] # Actual y-value from the data
println("Fitted value: ", fitted_value, " Actual value: ", actual_value)
push!(residuals, abs(fitted_value - actual_value))

# Extract parameters for original and noisy fits
extract_params(original_fit, original_params)
extract_params(noisy_fit, noisy_params)
return residuals

# Check the extracted parameters
println("Extracted Original Parameters: ", original_params)
println("Extracted Noisy Parameters: ", noisy_params)
# Main function to compare fits over time by analyzing residuals rather than raw parameters
function compare_shock_fits_over_time(original_fit, noisy_fit, original_shock_positions_over_time, noisy_shock_positions_over_time, flow_data; threshold=10.0)
bounds = flow_data.bounds
ncells = flow_data.ncells
nsteps = flow_data.nsteps
rmse_results = Vector{Float64}(undef, nsteps)
data_points = Vector{Any}(undef, nsteps)

# Find the maximum length of parameter lists (for padding)
max_len = max(length(original_params), length(noisy_params))
# Define the x-range
x = range(bounds[1][1], bounds[1][2], length=ncells[1])

# Pad the shorter array with NaNs (or another value like Inf) to indicate missing parameters
if length(original_params) < max_len
missing_count += max_len - length(original_params) # Increment missing count
padding = fill(NaN, max_len - length(original_params))
append!(original_params, padding)
# Define the y-range
y = range(bounds[2][1], bounds[2][2], length=ncells[2])

if length(noisy_params) < max_len
missing_count += max_len - length(noisy_params) # Increment missing count
padding = fill(NaN, max_len - length(noisy_params))
append!(noisy_params, padding)
for t in eachindex(nsteps) # Use eachindex for time steps
if isempty(original_shock_positions_over_time[t])
rmse_results[t] = NaN # No shock positions, set RMSE as NaN
data_points[t] = [] # No data points to analyze

# Check the new lengths after padding
println("Padded Original Parameters: ", original_params)
println("Padded Noisy Parameters: ", noisy_params)
# Transform shock positions to Cartesian coordinates
original_data_points[t] = ShockwaveDetection.cartesian_index_to_xy(original_shock_positions_over_time[t], x, y)
noisy_data_points[t] = ShockwaveDetection.cartesian_index_to_xy(noisy_shock_positions_over_time[t], x, y)

# Calculate the differences while ignoring NaNs
differences = original_params .- noisy_params
filtered_differences = filter(!isnan, differences) # Remove NaNs for RMSE calculation
# Calculate residuals for original and noisy fits
original_residuals = calculate_residuals(original_fit[t], original_data_points[t])
noisy_residuals = calculate_residuals(noisy_fit[t], noisy_data_points[t])

if isempty(filtered_differences)
println("No valid parameter differences to calculate RMSE.")
return NaN, missing_count # If all values were missing
if isempty(original_residuals) || isempty(noisy_residuals)
error("No valid residuals found for the input fits.")

# Calculate the RMSE (ignoring NaN values)
rmse = sqrt(mean(filtered_differences .^ 2))
# Compare the residuals to see how well the fits match the actual data points
residual_diffs = abs.(original_residuals .- noisy_residuals)

return rmse, missing_count
# Calculate the root mean square error between residuals
rmse_results[t] = sqrt(mean(residual_diffs.^2))

return rmse_results
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ShockwaveDetection.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ export GradientShockDetectionAlgo
export ImageProcessingShockDetectionAlgo
export DBSCANAlgo
export cluster_shock_points
export Fitting, FittingAlgo, fit_shock_clusters_over_time, calculate_normal_vector
export FittingAlgo, fit_shock_clusters_over_time, calculate_normal_vector
export create_wave_animation, create_wave_animation_with_shock, create_heatmap_evo, create_heatmap_evo_with_shock, plot_shock_fits_over_time
export ShockDetectionResult2D, detect
export ShockDetectionResult1D, detect
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