_____ _ _ ____ _
| ___|_ _| |__ _ __(_) ___ | _ \ ___ _ __ | | ___ _ _
| |_ / _` | '_ \| '__| |/ __|____| | | |/ _ \ '_ \| |/ _ \| | | |
| _| (_| | |_) | | | | (_|_____| |_| | __/ |_) | | (_) | |_| |
|_| \__,_|_.__/|_| |_|\___| |____/ \___| .__/|_|\___/ \__, |
|_| |___/
== A tool to deploy physical configuration on an ACI fabric ==
Fabric-Deploy is a tool to automate the deployment of physical configuration (access ports, port channels and VPCs) to an ACI fabric. The tool reads port allocations from an Excel spreadsheet and automatically pushes all relevant configuration to the fabric to configure such ports. Supported types include regular access ports, port channels, and VPCs. The tool also instances default interface policies for CDP, LLDP, LACP, MCP, STP, etc.
- Python3.3 or above.
- The "acifabriclib" library
- Download it from the following URL and install it using "python3 setup.py install"
- The "requests" library.
$ python3 aci-fabric-deploy.py --input <spreadhseet>
Optional arguments:
-u URL, --url URL APIC IP address.
-l LOGIN, --login LOGIN APIC login ID.
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD APIC login password.
-i INPUT, --input INPUT Input file
-d DEBUG, --debug DEBUG Enable debug mode
The application also takes the regular parameters for APIC address, username and password, as well as parses any existing credentials.py file stored in the same directory. In that case, the content of the credentials.py file must follow this format:
If the credentials.py does not exist and the credentials are not supplied from the command line, the application will ask for them interactively.
$ python3 aci-fabric-deploy.py --input Sample_PortMapping.xlsx
$ python3 aci-fabric-deploy.py --input Sample_PortMapping.xlsx --debug yes
$ python3 aci-fabric-deploy.py --input Sample_PortMapping.xlsx -l admin -p "Ap1cPass123" -u ""
$ python3 aci-fabric-deploy.py --input Sample_PortMapping.xlsx
_____ _ _ ____ _
| ___|_ _| |__ _ __(_) ___ | _ \ ___ _ __ | | ___ _ _
| |_ / _` | '_ \| '__| |/ __|____| | | |/ _ \ '_ \| |/ _ \| | | |
| _| (_| | |_) | | | | (_|_____| |_| | __/ |_) | | (_) | |_| |
|_| \__,_|_.__/|_| |_|\___| |____/ \___| .__/|_|\___/ \__, |
|_| |___/
== A tool to deploy physical configuration on an ACI fabric ==
[+] Creating standard interface policies
[+] Creating interface 'Access_DC001_ESX1_452'
[+] Creating interface 'Access_DC001_ESX1_454'
[+] Creating interface 'VPC_DC001_ESX7_583'
[+] Creating interface 'VPC_DC001_ESX7_584'
[+] Creating interface 'VPC_DC001_ESX7_585'
[+] Creating interface 'VPC_DC001_ESX7_586'
[+] Creating interface 'VPC_DC001_ESX1_690'
[+] Creating interface 'VPC_DC001_ESX1_703'
[+] Creating interface 'PC_DC001_ESX7_284'