AWS Cloud security lab
- Introducing Pulumi (as an alternative to Cloudformation)
- AWS Security Hub
- AWS Prowler
- Install AWS Prowler
- Install Pulumi
- Deploy stack
- Run Prowler on ec2
- Fix script to reduce number of Prowler and AWS Security hub alerts
- Redploy stack and run prowler
Lowest number of prowler issues wins
We're going to deploy an insecure application to AWS
# install pulumi and then start a new terminal
# see
curl -fsSL | sh
# ensure AWS creds are exported to current env
# also export this bucket name
# shove in the aws account id to make it globally unique
export PULUMI_STATE_BUCKET_NAME="jujhar-$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)-pulumi-state-store"
# create Pulumi s3 state store bucket to store the state in
aws s3api create-bucket \
--region eu-west-1 \
--create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=eu-west-1
# tell Pulumi you're using this bucket as your state store
pulumi login s3://"${PULUMI_STATE_BUCKET_NAME}"
# install node deps
(cd infra && npm i)
# Check stack
(cd infra && pulumi preview)
# Deploy stack
(cd infra && pulumi up)
# destroy stack
(cd infra && pulumi down)