visit: []
Backend : For Backend used Node.js And Express Server .
Database : For Database used Postgress SQL .
Authentication : For Authentication used JWT.
Front-End : React.js .
Guest User : username : [email protected],password : xyz
Backend : First of all i bulid this backend with Nodejs and Express .And My Backend or Sever file is in this Repo and File name is "Server" . And Deloyed the backend in Heroku Sever
Get all products send GET request to []
Get Particular Products send GET request to []
Frontend : I build the frontend in React and Redux . I depolyed the front-end in Netlify . From The backend of Amazon-clone, which is deployed in Heroku , is fetching the all data .
Database : And My Postgress Server is Also in Heroku .
Authentication : Jwt auth is for authentication . I think JWT is better option beacuse it's Have Digital Signature which is secure .
Note: This website is not Mobile Friendly. If u run this Program in Computer That will be better. Media Query Only For Desktop