If the cargo project is a binary crates, this tool can register the binary in the following launcher.
cargo-launcher can be installed with cargo install:
$ cargo install cargo-launcher
To upgrade:
$ cargo install --force cargo-launcher
The resulting binary should then be in $HOME/.cargo/bin.
Or download binary from gthub release page.
- Install target CLI binary(not cargo-launcher)
$ cd {your binary crates project}
# Install to local, or manually install
# The script path is set as follows
# PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH
$ cargo install --path .
Installing /Users/watawuwu/.cargo/bin/{your-binary}
- Generate Alfredworkflow file
$ cargo launcher alfred
- Install to Alfred
- Export to hain devplugin directory
$ cargo launcher hain
- Restart Hain
- Export to albert module directory
$ cargo launcher albert
- Check the checkbox of the python extension list and activate the setting
This CLI is a simple utility to register in lancher(alfred or hain).
cargo launcher [OPTIONS] <launcher>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-b, --bin <bin_name>
-i, --icon <icon_path>