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Logan Patino edited this page Feb 5, 2019 · 57 revisions

Version 6.14.0


Assistant v1

  • Fix: Remove unnecessary dynamic status from MessageResponse model

Compare and Comply

  • Feat: Add attributes property to BodyCells model
  • Feat: Add ADDRESS enum to Attribute model
  • Feat: Add confidenceLevel property to ContractAmts, EffectiveDates, and TerminationDates models
  • Feat: Add importance property to Parties model


  • Feat: Add getStopwordListStatus method

Speech to Text

  • Feat: Add force parameter to UpdateAcousticModelOptions

Version 6.13.2


Compare and Comply

  • Fix: Errors parsing the result of classifyElements() calls have been resolved.

Version 6.13.1



  • Fix: Having VCAP services present no longer overrides trying to set the username and password on an individual service (thanks @amanoese!).

Version 6.13.0



Version 6.12.0


Assistant v2

  • Added MessageContextSkill model
  • Fix MessageOutput class definition


  • Added stopword list methods: createStopwordList() and deleteStopwordList()
  • Added gateway methods: createGateway(), getGateway(), listGateways(), and deleteGateway()
  • Added SourceOptionsWebCrawl method
  • Added urls property to SourceOptions
  • Added gatewayId, sourceVersion, webApplicationUrl, and domain properties to CredentialDetails

Speech to Text

  • Added grammar methods: addGrammar(), getGrammar(), listGrammars(), and deleteGrammar()
  • Added grammarName and redaction properties to RecognizeOptions

Visual Recognition

  • Added acceptLanguage parameter to detectFaces()
  • Added genderLabel property to FaceGender

Version 6.11.3


Assistant v1

  • Added missing disabled field to DialogNode model

Version 6.11.2



  • Added more helpful exceptions to be thrown when using credential values starting or ending in {} or ""

Version 6.11.1

2018-12-20 🎅


  • Fixed issue breaking file uploading while on logging mode ALL

Assistant v2

  • Response in the MessageResponse model is no longer truncated unnecessarily

Version 6.11.0


Text to Speech

  • Add synthesizeUsingWebSocket() method 🔌. You can see an example here.

Version 6.10.0


New service

The Compare and Comply service has been added to the SDK! You can read more details about the service here.

Assistant v1

  • Add MessageContextMetadata model
  • Add sort as parameter for getWorkspace()


  • Add NluEnrichmentConcepts model
  • Add RetrievalDetails model

Natural Language Understanding

Add count prop to KeywordsResult Add workspaceId, version, versionDescription, and created props to Model Add limit prop to CategoriesOptions

Version 6.9.3



  • Fix spelling of spellingLocations property in NluEnrichmentEntities
  • Add missing NluEnrichmentConcepts model

Speech to Text

  • Make contentType optional in createJob() and recognize()
  • Fix languageCustomizationId value in SpeechToTextWebSocketListener

Version 6.9.2


Speech to Text

  • Fixed issue where interimResults wasn't being sent to the service
  • Fixed issue with using recognizeUsingWebSocket() with large files

Version 6.9.1



  • Fixed issue with HttpConfigOptions where options wouldn't be applied on the first HTTP call

Version 6.9.0

2018-10-30 🎃

Assistant v1

  • CLOUD_FUNCTION and WEB_ACTION enums added to DialogNodeAction

Assistant v2

  • CLOUD_FUNCTION and WEB_ACTION enums added to DialogNodeAction


  • createTokenizationDictionary(), getTokenizationDictionaryStatus(), and deleteTokenizationDictionary() methods added, along with any associated models
    • Note: This feature is currently only supported for Japanese-language collections. See here for full details.

Tone Analyzer

  • ToneId enums added to ToneChatScore

Speech to Text

  • languageCustomizationId parameter added as replacement for customizationId in CreateJobOptions and RecognizeOptions
    • customizationId will be supported until the next major release, but is now considered deprecated

Version 6.8.0



  • This service is now officially deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Users should migrate to either Assistant v1 (for matching functionality) or v2.


  • LT size enum added to CreateEnvironmentOptions
  • Status and Size enums, as well as requestedSize and searchStatus properties, added to Environment
  • bias and loggingOptOut properties added to FederatedQueryOptions
  • collectionIds and bias properties added to QueryOptions
  • SearchStatus model added
  • size property and enum added to UpdateEnvironmentOptions
  • federatedQuery() and query() methods changed to POST requests
    • Along with the above change, some parameters have been changed from type List<String> to String, with multiple values separated by commas. Backwards-compatible methods have been added for now, but the old methods are deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.

Visual Recognition

  • Authentication using the basic apikey is now officially deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Visual Recognition service instances should now be authenticated strictly using the IamOptions class.

Version 6.7.0



  • Initial release of Assistant v2 🎉
  • configureClient() method added to allow for configuration of the HTTP client - see README for details

Version 6.6.0



  • actions property added to MessageResponse and OutputData


  • actions property added to MessageResponse

Speech to Text

  • de-DE_BroadbandModel enum added to CreateAcousticModelOptions, CreateJobOptions, and GetModelOptions
  • de-DE_BroadbandModel, pt-BR_BroadbandModel, and pt-BR_NarrowbandModel enums added to CreateLanguageModelOptions

Version 6.5.1


Speech to Text

  • Fix issue with unwanted characters being uploaded with the addCorpus() method

Version 6.5.0


Speech to Text

  • Add support for large number (at least 20) of concurrent WebSocket connections. The previous limit was 5.
  • Re-add support for interimResults parameter when using recognizeUsingWebSocket(). This was accidentally removed in release v6.4.0.

Version 6.4.0



  • Add createEvent(), getMetricsEventRate(), getMetricsQuery(), getMetricsQueryEvent(), getMetricsQueryNoResults(), getMetricsQueryTokenEvent(), and queryLog() methods

Version 6.3.1



  • Add systemSettings parameter to CreateWorkspaceOptions and UpdateWorkspaceOptions
  • Add mentions property to CreateExampleOptions and UpdateExampleOptions
  • Add listMentions() method
  • Add userLabel property to CreateDialogNodeOptions and UpdateDialogNodeOptions
  • Add systemSettings property to Workspace and WorkspaceExport
  • Change output property of CreateDialogNode and DialogNode to DialogNodeOutput type
  • Add generic property to OutputData
  • Add mentions property to CreateExample and Example
  • Add ListMentionsOptions model


  • Add systemSettings parameter to CreateWorkspaceOptions and UpdateWorkspaceOptions
  • Add mentions property to CreateExampleOptions and UpdateExampleOptions
  • Add listMentions() method
  • Add userLabel property to CreateDialogNodeOptions and UpdateDialogNodeOptions
  • Add systemSettings property to Workspace and WorkspaceExport
  • Change output property of CreateDialogNode and DialogNode to DialogNodeOutput type
  • Add generic property to OutputData
  • Add mentions property to CreateExample and Example
  • Add ListMentionsOptions model


  • Use correct param name for returnFields in federatedQuery(), federatedQueryNotices()
  • Add loggingOptOut property to QueryOptions
  • Add language property to EnrichmentOptions
  • Add NL language constant to CreateCollectionOptions

Version 6.2.0



  • createCredentials(), deleteCredentials(), getCredentials(), listCredentials(), and updateCredentials() methods added
  • passages, passages.fields, passages.count, and passages.characters fields added to federatedQuery()
  • Added source field to createConfiguration() and updateConfiguration()

Version 6.1.0


Language Translator

  • Language Translator v3 released! This can be accessed in the new package.

Version 6.0.0



  • Default IAM authentication URL changed from to


  • cursor property in LogPagination model replaced with nextCursor
  • cursor property in Pagination model replaced with refreshCursor and nextCursor

Personality Insights

  • getProfileAsCSV method renamed to profileAsCsv
  • profileAsCsv return type changed from String to InputStream

Speech to Text

  • version property in CreateJobOptions and RecognizeOptions renamed to baseModelVersion
  • deleteUserData() method added, along with associated options model

Text to Speech

  • deleteUserData() method added, along with associated options model

Visual Recognition

  • Old service instances work properly again without having to explicitly set the endpoint
  • deleteUserData() method added, along with associated options model

Version 5.5.0



  • New: Report showing API difference between last and newest release (@chohanbin)


  • New: deleteUserData() method added, along with associated options model
  • New: DIGRESSION_RETURN_PROMPT constant added to CreateDialogNode, CreateDialogNodeOptions, DialogNode, UpdateDialogNodeOptions models


  • New: deleteUserData() method added, along with associated options model
  • New: DIGRESSION_RETURN_PROMPT constant added to CreateDialogNode, CreateDialogNodeOptions, DialogNode, UpdateDialogNodeOptions models


  • New: deleteUserData() method added, along with associated options model

Speech to Text

  • New: BaseModelName constants added to CreateAcousticModelOptions, CreateLanguageModelOptions model

Version 5.4.0


General (see main README for instructions)

  • New: Add support for authentication through IAM


  • New: conditions property added to DialogNodeVisitedDetails model


  • New: DialogNode adds digressIn, digressOut, and digressOutSlots properties
  • New: conditions property added to DialogNodeVisitedDetails model

Speech to Text

  • New: ko-KR_BroadbandModel and ko-KR_NarrowbandModel added as constants in GetModelOptions model

Version 5.3.0


General (See main README for instructions)

  • New: Ability to send custom headers in requests
  • New: Ability to read response headers


  • Fix: Use of unsupported query aggregations no longer throws StackOverflowError
  • New: Support for remaining query aggregations added (filter, nested, timeslice, top_hits, unique_count)
  • New: evidenceCount property added to queryEntities() and queryRelations() methods
  • New: segment property added to Conversions model
  • Change: entities property of the QueryEntitiesResponse model changed from type QueryEntitiesEntity to QueryEntitiesResponseItem
  • New: QueryEntitiesResponseItem model added
  • New: QueryEvidence model added
  • New: QueryEvidenceEntity model added
  • New: FileType enum as well as code, filename, fileType, sha1, and notices properties added to the QueryNoticesResult model
  • New: evidence property added to QueryRelationsRelationship model
  • New: SegmentSettings model added

Speech to Text

  • Fix: Bug in microphone example of Speech to Text README

Version 5.2.0



  • Fix: Documentation and examples updated to reflect current state of SDK

Natural Language Classifier

  • New: classifyCollection() method added

Visual Recognition

  • New: getCoreMlModel() method added
  • Change: DetectFacesBetaOptions, FaceFaceLocation, and FaceIdentity models removed
  • Change: identity property removed from Face model

Version 5.1.1


  • Fix: The Watson Assistant service is now available in the JAR file or Maven/Gradle dependencies
  • Fix: URLs are now properly encoded before being sent to the Watson services

Version 5.1.0


Rebranded Service: Conversation -> Assistant

The Conversation service is rebranding to Assistant, and the Assistant service is included in this release. Since it's just a rebrand, functionality is equal between them and migrating should just involve renaming class references. However, both will be available in the SDK for this release.


  • New: DialogNode adds digressIn, digressOut, and digressOutSlots properties

Speech to Text

  • Fix: recognizeUsingWebSocket() has been fixed to allow proper passing of parameters from the SDK to the API | #895

Version 5.0.1



  • Change: Remove version date constants from service classes
  • Change: Remove setters for various models where they should not be necessary
  • Fix: Resolve SSLHandshakeExceptions when calling the Visual Recognition service with the Oracle JDK 7


  • New: append parameter added to updateWorkspace()
  • New: nodesVisitedDetails parameter added to message()
  • New: CaptureGroup model
  • New: DialogNodeVisitedDetails model
  • New: Add behavior constants to DialogNodeNextStep: get_user_input, skip_user_input, reprompt, skip_slot, skip_all_slots
  • New: includeAudit parameter added to the following methods: getWorkspace(), listWorkspaces(), getIntent(), listIntents(), getExample(), listExamples(), getEntity(), listEntities(), getValue(), listValues(), getSynonym(), listSynonyms(), getDialogNode(), listDialogNodes(), getCounterexample(), listCounterexamples()


  • New: createExpansions() method added, along with the associated CreateExpansionsOptions model
  • New: deleteExpansions() method added, along with the associated DeleteExpansionsOptions model
  • New: listExpansions() method added, along with the associated ListExpansionsOptions model
  • New: Expansion and Expansions models
  • Change: pt-br language in CreateCollectionOptions changed to pt
  • New: model property added to EnrichmentOptions model
  • Change: Builder removed in NluEnrichmentRelations model
  • New: similar, similarDocumentIds, and similarFields parameters added to federatedQuery(), federatedQueryNotices(), query(), and queryNotices()

Natural Language Classifier

  • Change: id property in Classification model renamed to classifierId
  • Change: name property in ClassifiedClass model renamed to className
  • Change: id property in Classifier model renamed to classifierId
  • Change: Rename Classifiers model to ClassifierList

Overall, all method signatures have changes with the introduction of Options models. The experience should now be the same as other services

Natural Language Understanding

  • Change: DBpediaResource model removed
  • Change: ErrorResponse model removed
  • Change: FeaturesResults model removed
  • Change: InlineResponse200 model removed
  • Change: LinkedDataResult model removed
  • Change: Parameters model removed
  • Change: FeaturesResults model removed

The above models were not used anyway and were erroneously added to the SDK before.

Speech to Text

  • Change: createCustomization() renamed to createLanguageModel()
  • Change: createRecognitionJob() renamed to createJob()
  • Change: deleteCustomization() renamed to deleteLanguageModel()
  • Change: deleteRecognitionJob() renamed to deleteJob()
  • Change: getCorpora() renamed to listCorpora()
  • Change: getCustomization() renamed to getLanguageModel()
  • Change: getCustomizations() renamed to listLanguageModels()
  • Change: getModels() renamed to listModels()
  • Change: getRecognitionJob() renamed to checkJob()
  • Change: getRecognitionJobs() renamed to checkJobs()
  • Change: getRecognizeStatus() renamed to getSessionStatus()
  • Change: getWords() renamed to listWords()
  • Change: resetCustomization() renamed to resetLanguageModel()
  • Change: trainCustomization() renamed to trainLanguageModel()
  • New: upgradeLanguageModel() method added, along with the associated UpgradeLanguageModelOptions model
  • New: unregisterCallback() method added, along with the associated UnregisterCallbackOptions model
  • New: createAcousticModel() method added, along with the associated CreateAcousticModelOptions model
  • New: deleteAcousticModel() method added, along with the associated DeleteAcousticModelOptions model
  • New: getAcousticModel() method added, along with the associated GetAcousticModelOptions model
  • New: listAcousticModels() method added, along with the associated ListAcousticModelsOptions model
  • New: resetAcousticModel() method added, along with the associated ResetAcousticModelOptions model
  • New: trainAcousticModel() method added, along with the associated TrainAcousticModelOptions model
  • New: upgradeAcousticModel() method added, along with the associated UpgradeAcousticModelOptions model
  • New: addAudio() method added, along with the associated AddAudioOptions model
  • New: deleteAudio() method added, along with the associated DeleteAudioOptions model
  • New: getAudio() method added, along with the associated GetAudioOptions model
  • New: listAudio() method added, along with the associated ListAudioOptions model

Overall, all method signatures have changes with the introduction of Options models. The experience should now be the same as other services

Text to Speech

  • Change: getVoices() renamed to listVoices()
  • Change: createCustomVoiceModel() renamed to createVoiceModel()
  • Change: updateCustomVoiceModel() renamed to updateVoiceModel()
  • Change: getCustomVoiceModels() renamed to listVoiceModels()
  • Change: getCustomVoiceModel() renamed to getVoiceModel()
  • Change: createCustomVoiceModel() renamed to createVoiceModel()
  • Change: deleteCustomVoiceModel() renamed to deleteVoiceModel()
  • Change: getWords() renamed to listWords()
  • Change: Can no longer use getVoiceModel() by passing in the model you want

Overall, all method signatures have changes with the introduction of Options models. The experience should now be the same as other services

Tone Analyzer

  • Change: utteranceId property in UtteranceAnalysis model changed from a String type to Long

Visual Recognition

  • New: retrained property added to Classifier model
  • New: code property added to ErrorInfo model
  • Change: parameters property of the ClassifyOptions model replaced with the following properties: url, threshold, owners, and classifierIds
  • Change: parameters property of the DetectFacesOptions model replaced with url

Version 4.2.1



  • Fix: Adding/updating configuration parsing problems noted here
  • New: Enrichments have been changed. EnrichmentOptions now has parameters of new model types, namely:
    • NluEnrichmentCategories
    • NluEnrichmentEmotion
    • NluEnrichmentEntities
    • NluEnrichmentFeatures
    • NluEnrichmentKeywords
    • NluEnrichmentRelations
    • NluEnrichmentSemanticRoles
    • NluEnrichmentSentiment

Personality Insights

  • Fix: Add getProfileAsCSV() method which had been mistakenly deleted back in v4.0.0

Version 4.1.0



  • Fix: Getting/setting dynamic properties now works properly
  • New: Service URL is now set through JDNI automatically


  • New: listAllLogs() method added, along with the associated ListAllLogsOptions model
  • New: language and workspaceId properties added to LogExport model
  • New: credentials property added to DialogNodeAction model
  • New: valueType and patterns properties added to Value, CreateValue, and ValueExport models


  • New: federatedQuery() method added, along with the associated FederatedQueryOptions model
  • New: federatedQueryNotices() method added, along with the associated FederatedQueryNoticesOptions model
  • New: listFields() method added, along with the associated ListFieldsOptions model
  • New: listTrainingExamples() method added, along with the associated ListTrainingExamplesOptions model
  • New: queryEntities() method added
  • New: queryRelations() method added
  • New: CollectionUsage model
  • New: MemoryUsage model
  • New: QueryEntities model
  • New: QueryEntitiesEntity model
  • New: QueryEntitiesContext model
  • New: QueryEntitiesResponse model
  • New: QueryRelations model
  • New: QueryRelationsEntity model
  • New: QueryRelationsFilter model
  • New: QueryFilterType model
  • New: QueryRelationsResponse model
  • New: QueryRelationsRelationship model
  • New: QueryRelationsArgument model
  • New: percentUsed, total, used, and totalBytes properties added to DiskUsage model
  • New: collections and memoryUsage properties added to IndexCapacity model
  • New: collectionId and resultMetadata properties added to QueryResult model

Natural Language Understanding

  • New: EntityMention model
  • New: DisambiguationResult model
  • New: Feed model
  • New: textCharacters and textUnits properties added to Usage model
  • New: mentions property added to EntitiesOptions model
  • New: mentions and disambiguation properties added to EntitiesResult model
  • New: target property added to SentimentOptions model
  • New: target property added to EmotionOptions model
  • New: modelId property added to DeleteModelOptions model
  • New: feeds and image properties added to MetadataResult model

Personality Insights

  • New: children and significant properties added to Trait model

Tone Analyzer

  • New: tones and warning properties added to DocumentAnalysis model
  • New: tones property added to SentenceAnalysis model
  • New: warning property added to UtteranceAnalyses model
  • New: error property added to UtteranceAnalysis model

Visual Recognition

  • Fix: Erroneously named FaceFaceLocation renamed to FaceLocation

Version 4.0.0


Version 4.0 introduces automatically generated service classes for several services.

Services that are not affected in this release:

  • Speech to Text
  • Text to Speech
  • Retrieve and Rank
  • Document Conversion
  • Tradeoff Analytics

Services that are affected in this release:

  • Discovery
  • Conversation
  • Natural Language Understanding
  • Tone Analyzer
  • Language Translator
  • Personality Insights
  • Visual Recognition

Breaking changes in these notes will be labeled accordingly. Upon upgrading the SDK, follow the migration guide here.

SDK Generation

Most changes in this release broadly affect all of the newly-generated services. Those general changes, as well as any service-specific changes, are as follows:

General Changes Related to Auto-Generation

  • (breaking) Options classes have been added services to handle request customization
  • Some classes now support arbitrary reponse that can be accessed on the object as a HashMap<String, Object>
  • (breaking depending on method) Add support for InputStream parameters when dealing with files. Content-Type or filename can be specified along with InputStream
  • Parameters and properties defined as enums in the API definition are declared with the underlying datatype in the SDK, for better forward compatibility. Where appropriate, the enum values are declared as constants to provide guidance to the developer and reduce the opportunity for typos.
  • (breaking) Completely removed deprecated Dialog, Language Translation, and Personality Insights v2 services


  • (breaking) Delete methods no longer return response objects
  • Add support for the passages parameter when making queries
  • (breaking) Various classes have had reponse properties set to read-only


  • (breaking) Rename service class from "ConversationService" to "Conversation"
  • Add Dialog Node support

Natural Language Understanding

  • Add support for the limitTextCharacters parameter when making a GET or POST request to the analyze endpoint

Version 3.9.1


  • Fix: [visual-recognition] Adding an image does not return the added image #764
  • Fix: [visual-recognition] Metadata not added to images #763
  • Fix: Language Translator readme example is outdated #756
  • Fix: [speech-to-text] websockets - Getting 500 Server Error while trying to recognize using custom model and websockets #754
  • Fix: [speech-to-text] Getting RuntimeException: Malformed GUID: 'en-US_BroadbandModel' when using STT in Frankfurt and customizationID #752
  • Fix: Integration test testUserAgent failing #736
  • Fix: wrong code example #733
  • Fix: [Speech-to-Text] Stops in seconds for websocket transcription #727

Version 3.9.0


  • Fix: okHttp error when running in an IBM-JDK

Version 3.8.0


  • New: Add support for workspaces in Conversation 1b291a5
  • New: Update okhttp version to 3.7.0 7912344
  • New: Change WAV to WebM in comments in test-to-speech 4535c70
  • New: Add support for Customer Care API endpoint for Tone Analyzer 7a5fcfe
  • New: Add new audio format to text-to-speech 07a375e
  • New: Add new audio format to speech-to-text 1c93196
  • Fix: Enable cipher suites 4b51aee
  • Fix: Enable all TLS protocols 842383b
  • Fix: Use target in language translator Fixes #655 999f04c
  • Fix: Date deserialization for ISO 8601 dates with Z timezone 6c870dc
  • Fix: SerializedName annotation for configuration id and test dd0ec53
  • Fix: Fix NLU example 8c33f2b

Version 3.7.2


  • New: Provide a specific document Id when creating a document d581c3f
  • New: NLU: Add model for disambiguation and property in EntitiesResults 8acb411
  • New: Add test for disambiguation info 9328c5f
  • Fix: Discovery: create or update a document from an InputStream and optionally spec… … ab2f413
  • Fix: Add for Natural Language Understanding 4e53c8f
  • Fix: 👕 Checkstyle Verified a95c68d
  • Fix: TTS Synthesize using POST, fixes #635 and #602 Verified 5ae0d24
  • Fix: Language translator, update service name Verified 37abc86

Version 3.7.1


  • Fix: Enable all cipher suites cf58894 74cae1b
  • Fix: afterEvaluate source for docs task 0f93ec3
  • Fix: Disable HTML escaping, #532 c6497ed
  • Fix: CheckStyle d5ccc68 9a7654b 9a7654b
  • Fix: Examples link in 430f3a6 by @rborer
  • Doc: Exclude tests from javadoc generation 60e80de
  • Doc: Update HTTP logging information #496 85e2424
  • New: Add aggregate Javadocs plugin b6d1123
  • New: Add tradeoff analytics test case for #306 9f40779
  • New: Adds an HTTPLogging interceptor #496 620d8d9
  • New: Unit tests for Natural Language Understanding 5e89f3a

Version 3.7.0


  • New: Added Natural Language Understanding
  • Fix: Text-to-Speech failed with combine of special characters, e.g Spanish + ";" bug text-to-speech #602
  • Fix: Alchemy Language - CombinedResults missing Emotion #545

Version 3.6.0


  • New: Automatic releases
  • Change: Update OkHttp to v3.6.0
  • New: Speech to Text: Add addCorpus() method, deprecate addTextToCustomizationCorpus() method
  • New: Speech to Text: Add getCorpus() method
  • New: Speech to Text: Add sort parameter to getWords() method
  • New: Speech to Text: Add SupportedFeatures for SpeechModel object
  • New: Speech to Text: Add and fix constructors for Word object
  • New: Speech to Text: Add count to WordData object
  • New: Speech to Text: Add confidence to SpeakerLabel object
  • New: Speech to Text: Add warnings to RecognitionJob object
  • Fix: Speech to Text: Enable customization_id for recognizeUsingWebSocket() method
  • Fix: Speech to Text: Fix allowOverwrite parameter of addTextToCustomizationCorpus() method
  • Fix: Speech to Text: Fix error field for WordData object
  • New: Text to Speech: Add createCustomVoiceModel() and updateCustomVoiceModel() methods, deprecate saveCustomVoiceModel() method
  • New: Text to Speech: Add addWords() and addWord() methods, deprecate saveWords() method
  • New: Text to Speech: Add getWord() method
  • New: Text to Speech: Add getCustomVoiceModel() method with CustomVoiceModel argument
  • New: Text to Speech: Add deleteWord() method with String argument
  • New: Text to Speech: Add words to CustomVoiceModel object
  • New: Text to Speech: Add part_of_speech to CustomTranslation object
  • Fix: Text to Speech: Enable customization results for getVoice() method
  • New: Tradeoff Analytics: Add findPreferableOptions parameter to dilemmas() method
  • New: Tradeoff Analytics: Add PreferableSolutions object to Resolution object
  • New: Tradeoff Analytics: Add DominatingOption object to Solution object

Version 3.5.3


  • New: Added Discovery v1

Version 3.5.2


  • New: Added Speaker Labeling (diarization) added
  • New: Added Conversation + Tone Analyzer example
  • New: Added byte array support to classify an in memory image
  • Fix: Text to Speech: getPronunciation() and getVoice now accept a customizationId parameter.

Version 3.5.1


  • Fix: Remove limitation when creating a Solr cluster

Version 3.5.0


  • New: Personality Insights v3
  • New: Speech to Text Customizations
  • New: Conversation version date 2016-09-19
  • Fix: Calling synthesize in Text to Speech now accepts a rate for PCM. #454
  • Fix: READMEs now point to the right maven dependency #459
  • Fix: AlchemyLanguage now has anchor dates for combine calls
  • Fix: Retrieve and Rank topAnswer bug #456

Version 3.4.1


  • New: Add Language Translator

Version 3.4.0


The SDK 3.4.0 is the first step into moving from one maven module into a multi-module project. This change will allow users to specify the service they want to use skipping the other services. For example, in order to use Retrieve and Rank in Gradle you need:

  • New: Move to a maven multi-module project
  • Fix: Send default headers in WebSocket connections #422
  • Fix: Skip token creation if skipAuthentication=true #440

Version 3.3.1


  • New: AlchemyLanguage now returns the sourceText in the combined call.
  • New: Add french broadband model to Speech to Text
  • Fix: Add extracted dates to Alchemy Language combined call #436
  • Fix: Speech to text example close the connection when finish the extracted dates to Alchemy Language combined call #436
  • Fix: removed deprecated services: Concept Insights and Relationship Extraction.
  • Fix: Add missing parameter in document conversation. #428
  • Fix: Add smart_formatting to Speech to Text

Version 3.3.0


  • New: Tests are ignored if doesn't have valid credentials
  • New: Document Conversion can index documents directly into Retrieve and Rank
  • New: Visual Recognition Re-training
  • New: Conversation v1: MessageRequest now supports entities and intents
  • New: AlchemyLanguage typedRelations entities and intents
  • New: Speech to Text keyword_spotting
  • Fix: Remove Relationship extraction v1 Beta
  • Fix: Remove Tone Analyzer v3 Beta
  • Fix: 🔥 update version_date for Visual Recognition to be 2016-05-20
  • Fix: Remove warning when JDNI can't find credentials

Version 3.2.0


  • New: Conversation v1
  • New: Text To Speech now supports audio/basic, audio/i16 and ogg/vorgis
  • New: AlchemyLanguage now has a TypedRelation method that extract relationships and entities from text
  • Fix: Speech to Text now returns the voice description when calling getVoices()
  • Fix: url from VCAP_SERVICES take precedence over the default url
  • Fix: Removed Relationship Extraction v1-beta
  • Fix: Removed Tone Analyzer v3-beta

Version 3.0.1


The SDK 3.0.1 introduced support for react( use rx()). Services can now be combined using react in a synchronous or asynchronous calls and calls more efficiently.

  • New: The User-Agent can be customized
  • New: Services added:
    • Visual Recognition v3
    • Conversation v1-experimental
    • Tone Analyzer v3
  • New: profanity_filter added to Speech to Text
  • New: Introduce reactive API calls (use rx())
  • New: Added new voices to Speech to Text
  • New: getVoice() in Speech to Text and Text to Speech
  • New: keyword_spotting in Speech to Text
  • New: AlchemyLanguage now provides typedRelations() from Relationship Extraction
  • Fix: Error when running in Android and using JDNI
  • Fix: Error when loading ContentItems from a file in Personality Insights
  • Fix: Conceptual search in Concept Insights now return the user_fields
  • Fix: Content-Type in Speech to text when using flac files
  • Fix: Warning when calling Alchemy services regarding connections being leaked
  • Fix: Added missing fields in AlchemyDataNews
  • Fix: SSL certificate issues when running in Bluemix and using the IBM JDK

Version 3.0.0-RC1


The SDK 3.0 is designed around a new API that offers asynchronous callbacks in addition to synchronous blocking calls. It uses modern Java patterns like immutability and chained builders.

  • New: Deprecated methods were removed
  • Fix: Websockets issues during a recognition using Speech to Text
  • New: Automatic snapshot deployments to Sonatype
  • New: Chained builders for Speech to text and Tradeoff Analytics

Version 2.10.0


  • Fix: Switch from String to Integer in AlchemyVision face recognition
  • New: Enumerations for Languages in Language Translation
  • Fix: Error in AlchemyLanguage when language wasn't specified
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