Excel C++ dll plugin able to create colormaps from an array of scalar data.
This is a simple dll library, cross-platform (it does not use any MS-only code, plain C++), built to be called from Excel VBA editor. It returns a color based on the cell value, allowing you to set the cell background and directly create colormaps from Excel.
- MATLAB Jet colorscheme
- Creation of any size you want colormaps
- Two styles as of now Excel colormap and Gaussian colormap (thanks to OpenCV)
- It relies on OpenCV (cross-platform visual library) to generate the Gaussian colormap
- Quick drop-in-your-project : only two files (.cpp and .h)
- Save the Gaussian colormap to a path you set
- Excel 64bit and 32bit supported
It relies on OpenCV dll (opencv_worldxxx.dll, latest version), so you need the dll in the SYSTEM Path or you can drop it inside the plugin dll execution folder, which appears to be User/CurrentUser/Documents (at least for me).
Add the source files to your project and be sure to build the dll with the same bitness as your Excel installation. Simply put : Excel x64 -> plugin x64, same for x86.
You are ready to go and use the library! :)
We need to add some code in the Excel VBA panel in order to call the plugin.
Read OpenCV documentation about Gaussian blur : https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html#gaabe8c836e97159a9193fb0b11ac52cf1
Private Type CellInfo
row As Long
col As Long
value As Single
End Type
Private Type Settings
minValue As Single
maxValue As Single
width As Single
height As Single
rowsCount As Long
columnsCount As Long
kernelX As Long
kernelY As Long
sigmaX As Single
sigmaY As Single
path As LongPtr
End Type
#If VBA7 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Function InterpolateSingleValue Lib "path_to_plugin_dll" (ByVal value As Single, ByVal min As Single, ByVal max As Single) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function Interpolate Lib "path_to_plugin_dll" (ByRef x As CellInfo, ByRef v As Settings) As Long
Private Declare Function InterpolateSingleValue Lib "path_to_plugin_dll" (ByVal value As Single, ByVal min As Single, ByVal max As Single) As Long
Private Declare Function Interpolate Lib "path_to_plugin_dll" (ByRef x As CellInfo, ByRef v As Settings) As Long
#End If
Sub CreateImage()
'we are selecting a range of values from the spreadsheet
Dim rng As Range, cell As Range
Set rng = Range("A1:H20")
'we set up the needed settings for the plugin dll
Dim v As Settings
v.minValue = 30 'lowest value
v.maxValue = 70 'highest value
v.width = 500 'Gaussian image width
v.height = 500 'Gaussian image height
v.rowsCount = rng.rows.Count
v.columnsCount = rng.Columns.Count
v.kernelX = 71 'Gaussian smoothing parameter - must be odd!
v.kernelY = 71 'Gaussian smoothing parameter - must be odd!
v.sigmaX = 35 'Gaussian smoothing parameter
v.sigmaY = 0 'Gaussian smoothing parameter
v.path = StrPtr("D://test.png") 'Optional parameter to save the image to disk
For Each cell In rng
Dim cell_ As CellInfo
cell_.col = cell.Column
cell_.row = cell.row
cell_.value = cell.value
'we are just setting cells background near the data source
Cells(cell.row, cell.Column + 9).Interior.color = Interpolate(cell_, v)
'Cells(cell.row, cell.Column + 9).Interior.color = InterpolateSingleValue(cell.value, 30, 70)
Next cell
End Sub
Now by executing CreateImage you will get a result similar to the first images, depending on the parameters you chose and dataset.