Release 6.6.10
- Built against OpendTect 6.6.7
- Documentation site converted to use Hugo site generator: new documentation at WMPlugin-Docs
- Replace Nans and Infs with Undefined
- add EFD (Emprirical Fourier Decomposition) modes and spectral decomposition attributes
External Attributes
- fix crash when loading attribute set with non existent interpreter or attribute script
- add UI error reporting when loading the script into the UI
- add to generate a synthetic gradient volume for testing AVO attributes
- fix various issues with scripts related to Python module updates
- move common functions into
- add Jupyter notebook to demo/test functions
Mistie Analysis
- fix crash when estimating misties for depth surveys
wmodpy - OpendTect Python Bindings
A decision was made to discontinue development of these within WMPlugins in favour of moving the code
into the dGB managed OpendTect open source code repository system on Github. The new repository will be
called "odpybind".