Parse promotion arrays from the Wayne State University API
To install this library, run the command below and you will get the latest version
composer require waynestate/parse-promos
Create the object
use Waynestate\Promotions\ParsePromos;
$parsePromos = new Waynestate\Promotions\ParsePromos();
Make an API call for promotions
// Promotion groups to pull ( id => short_name )
$group_reference = [
123 => 'circle',
124 => 'alumni-links',
125 => 'contact',
126 => 'progress-amount',
127 => 'progress-text',
// How to parse each group after the return ( short_name => config_option )
$group_config = [
'contact' => 'first',
'progress-amount' => 'limit:1',
'progress-text' => 'randomize|first',
// Pull all the active items from the API
$params = [
'promo_group_id' => array_keys($group_reference),
'is_active' => '1',
'ttl' => TTL,
// Get the raw promotions from the API
$raw_promos = $api->sendRequest('cms.promotions.listing', $params);
// Parse the promotions based on the config set
$parsed_promos = $parsePromos->parse($raw_promos, $group_reference, $group_config);
Config options
'first' = Return only the first item in the list (not part of an array)
'randomize' = Take the returned list and mix it up
'limit:#' = Return just # number of results from the list
'order:start_date_desc' = Return an ordered list by 'start_date' DESC
'order:start_date_asc' = Return an ordered list by 'start_date' ASC
'order:display_date_desc' = Return an ordered list by 'display_date' DESC
'order:display_date_asc' = Return an ordered list by 'display_date' ASC
'order:title_desc' = Return an ordered list by 'title' DESC
'order:title_asc' = Return an ordered list by 'title' ASC
'page_id:#' = Return only promotions in the list marked for this page
'youtube' = Parse the 'link' field for YouTube video ID, place in a new 'video_id' field
'order:start_date_desc|first' = Options can be run in combination by piping to another config
Code Coverage
phpunit --coverage-html ./coverage