Materials for the CellProfiler course taught at the Wolfson Bioimaging Facility, University of Bristol.
CellProfiler is a free, open-source image analysis software package specialising in object segmentation and measurement. Processing steps are inserted as modules into workflow 'pipelines', which can be run in batch mode on image collections, with results collated into a single spreadsheet. Available CellProfiler modules include object segmentation, object size/shape measurement, object intensity measurement, colocalisation and spatial proximity/overlap of objects.
This workshop is suitable for anyone acquiring microscopy data as part of their research. Familiarity with ImageJ/Fiji will be necessary; in particular the content covered in the Introduction to ImageJ/Fiji course (materials available here).
The worked examples concentrate on fluorescence microscopy but the techniques used are widely applicable to other types of images.
Training is provided by staff from the Wolfson Bioimaging Facility during the hands on session which covers basic user interface elements, running image processing techniques, plotting data and batch processing multiple images.