- from a Docker image for a program that runs on a port
- to the simplest possible Kubernetes config that runs that program
In more technical words:
Create a boilerplate Kubernetes deployment-service pair for a given container image.
go build
sudo cp docker2kube /usr/local/bin/docker2kube
$ cd myprogram
$ ls
Dockerfile main.go
$ docker build -t registry/myprogram:v1 .
$ docker push registry/myprogram:v1
$ cd ..
$ mkdir myprogram-config
$ git init .
$ docker2kube myprogram registry/myprogram:v1 80
$ git add *.yaml
$ git commit -am "Initial config"
Once you've pushed Kubernetes config to a git repo, the practice known as GitOps will help you get configs in version control reliably into a running application.
TODO: link to a public doc about GitOps.