This is a collection of useful Gulp tasks for
- linting & compiling Sass (SCSS) to CSS
- bundling JavaScript with Webpack
- optimizing SVG source files
While almost all dependencies are declared by this package, the choice of Sass compiler is left to the project – either
(Dart Sass, current canonical implementation, recommended) or node-sass
need to be installed as direct
project dependencies.
webfactory-gulp-preset assumes that gulpfile.js
and a gulp-config.js
are located in the project's root folder.
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"browserslist-config-webfactory": "^1.1.0",
"webfactory-gulp-preset": "^3.0.0",
"sass-embedded": "1.64.2"
"browserslist": [
"extends browserslist-config-webfactory/default"
const gulp = require('gulp');
const config = require('./gulp-config');
const $ = require('./node_modules/webfactory-gulp-preset/plugins')(config); // loads all gulp-* modules in $.* for easy reference
const { webpack } = require('./node_modules/webfactory-gulp-preset/tasks/webpack');
const { styles } = require('./node_modules/webfactory-gulp-preset/tasks/styles');
const { browsersync } = require('./node_modules/webfactory-gulp-preset/tasks/browsersync');
function js(cb) {
webpack(gulp, $, config);
function css(cb) {
styles(gulp, $, config);
function serve(cb) {
browsersync(gulp, $, config, css, js);
exports.js = js;
exports.css = css;
exports.serve = serve;
exports.compile = gulp.parallel(css, js);
exports.default = gulp.series(gulp.parallel(css, js), serve);
const argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
// roll your own function if you need to use more or different plugins
const { postCssPlugins } = require('./node_modules/webfactory-gulp-preset/config/postcss-plugins-default');
module.exports = {
scripts: {
files: [
name: 'scripts',
inputPath: [
destDir: 'js'
watch: ['PATH_TO_PROJECT_ASSETS_DIR/assets/js/**/*.js'],
styles: {
files: [
name: 'main.css',
files: [
destDir: 'css'
postCssPlugins: postCssPlugins,
sassCompiler: 'sass', // this passes Dart Sass to gulp-sass
watch: ['PATH_TO_PROJECT_ASSETS_DIR/scss/**/*.scss']
stylelint: {
files: [
"development": (argv.env || process.env.APP_ENV || 'development') === 'development',
"webdir": "www",
"libdir": "vendor", // composer deps directory, might be called "lib"
"tempdir": "tmp",
"npmdir": "node_modules"
For backwards-compatibility reasons, the default compiler is LibSass via node-sass, which has been deprecated by the Sass project. You can pick the canonical implementation (Dart Sass) by setting sassCompiler
on the styles
object in gulp-config.js
. You will need to install the Dart Sass Node package via npm or yarn (npm install sass
or yarn add sass
Example (excerpt from gulp-config.js
// […]
styles: {
files: [
sassCompiler: 'sass', // this passes Dart Sass to gulp-sass
postCssPlugins: postCssPlugins,
watch: ['src/**/*.scss']
// […]
You can optionally pass include paths directly as a property of the styles
object in gulp-config.js
if you need more than the default [config.npmdir]
Example (excerpt from gulp-config.js
// […]
styles: {
files: [
postCssPlugins: postCssPlugins,
watch: ['src/**/*.scss']
// […]
PurgeCSS is a tool to automatically remove unused CSS. webfactory-gulp-preset comes with
postcss-purgecss preinstalled, but it is only activated if a purgeCss
object is defined as a property of the
object in gulp-config.js
All documented options (for the PostCSS implementation) are supported.
Example (excerpt from gulp-config.js
// […]
styles: {
files: [
name: 'main.css',
files: [
destDir: 'css'
purgeCss: {
content: [
postCssPlugins: postCssPlugins,
watch: ['src/**/*.scss']
// […]
PostCSS Preset Env lets us convert modern CSS into something the browsers targeted by our browserslist config can understand. We usually use default settings for PostCSS Preset Env, but you can pass a custom config by defining a postCssPresetEnvConfig
object either on styles
for all files or on a specific file.
Example (excerpt from gulp-config.js
// […]
styles: {
files: [
name: 'custom.css',
files: [
postCssPresetEnv: {
// options for postcss-logical in case you need to always output CSS for a vertical writing mode…
"logical": {
"inlineDirection": "bottom-to-top",
"blockDirection": "right-to-left"
// …for very old browsers
browsers: [
'Chrome >= 56',
destDir: 'css',
// […]
The Webpack Gulp task is preconfigured for compiling Svelte apps, but you need to require svelte
and svelte-loader
as a direct dependencies in your project to make it work.
- the
as a first-level property (string or number) ingulp-config.js
, e.g.svelteVersion: '4.2'
(you can supply a string or a number as long as the value can be transformed into a floating point byparseFloat()
); the path to Svelte internals changed in v4 which is why the project needs to supply the Svelte version that is in use. If nosvelteVersion
is provided, this preset defaults to settings for version 3. - the entry point (.js file) as any other in
and Webpack will auto-detect Svelte and know what to do.
Webpack has defaults (like node_modules
, for obvious reasons) for what directories should be searched when resolving modules. It's possible to pass through additional paths to the resolver; this can be helpful if you want to be able to import
JS files from a Symfony bundle without having to supply a long and fragile relative path. To do so, add the following property to the scripts object:
resolveModulesPaths: ['www/bundles']
In your project's JS file you can now import relative to the symlinked folder, i.e. import 'webfactoryembed/js/embed.esm.js';
Due to performance reasons, node_modules
is excluded from transpiling by default. To ensure backwards-compatibility you can whitelist certain modules from the exclusion. To do so, add the following property to the scripts object:
includeModules: ['module_folder_name_1', 'module_folder_name_2']
As of Version 2.9 the Webpack task is the standard for bundling Javascript modules. The "old" way of concatenating all JS is still usable, but needs some changes to your projects gulpfile.js
and gulp-config.js
From version 2.2 onwards, webfactory-gulp-preset offers a Webpack task that can be invoked instead of the "old" way
of concatenating all JS files listed in an array of input paths. The Webpack task can be configured with multiple entry
points and supports Svelte Apps and backwards-compatible builds with Babel out of the box.
If you dont't want to use Webpack, require the corrensponding task sripts
and call it in the JS function in your Gulpfile instead of
const { scripts } = require('./node_modules/webfactory-gulp-preset/tasks/scripts');
function js(cb) {
scripts(gulp, $, config);
The scripts object in gulp-config.js
needs to be adapted as follows:
// […]
scripts: {
files: [
name: 'main.js',
files: [
destDir: 'js'
name: 'polyfills',
inputPath: 'bundles/app/js/object-fit-polyfill.js',
destDir: 'js'
watch: ['…']
// […]
should have top-level import
statements to your JS modules/components, which can in turn contain further
statements to their respective dependencies.
Babel is a toolchain that is mainly used to convert ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards
compatible version of JavaScript in current and older browsers or environments. webfactory-gulp-preset comes with
Babel preinstalled and preconfigured with the default @babel/preset-env
Please note: To save precious compile time, the Babel step is not run by default. Set convertToES5
to true
the config object of the JS files you want to transcompile back down to ES5.
Example (excerpt from gulp-config.js
// […]
scripts: {
files: [
name: 'script-for-old-browsers.js',
files: [
convertToES5: true,
destDir: 'js'
watch: ['…']
// […]
From version 2.7 onwards, webfactory-gulp-preset offers a SVGMin task that can be used to optimize SVGs when they first enter the code base. The task uses a hardwired SVGO configuration that takes care of the risk of ID collisions across different inline SVGs (i.e. multiple references to a clip-path by the same optimized ID "a") by replacing IDs with random strings. As this would generate changes every time the task is run, it is advisable to use CLI parameters to at scope the source file(s) per run. Files are overwritten by default, but a dest path can be passed if needed.
const {svgmin} = require("webfactory-gulp-preset/tasks/svgmin");
function svgo(cb) {
svgmin(gulp, $, config);
exports.svgo = svgo;
Example CLI usage:
The task uses root (./
) as base for gulp.src()
gulp svgo --src src/AppBundle/Resources/public/img/logo.svg
gulp svgo --src www/bundles/app/img/logo.svg
Please note: any kind of file globbing with *
or **
needs to be quoted on the command line.
gulp svgo --src "src/AppBundle/Resources/public/img/icons/*.svg"
gulp svgo --src "src/AppBundle/Resources/public/img/**/*.svg"
gulp svgo --src "src/AppBundle/Resources/public/img/**/*.svg" --dest tmp/svg-test/