This library provides a complete integration for the XML Hosted 3DSecure protocol of Setefi MonetaWeb 2.0 payment gateway. It was developed following the technical documentation provided by Setefi released in July 2017.
In order to use this library, first of all import it using composer:
composer require webgriffe/lib-monetaweb2
You can generate a payment initialization URL using the GatewayClient
$gatewayClient = new Webgriffe\LibMonetaWebDue\Api\GatewayClient();
$getPaymentPageInfo = $gatewayClient->getPaymentPageInfo(
'Nome Cognome',
'[email protected]',
'Campo Personalizzabile'
The getPaymentPageInfo
method returns a GatewayPageInfo
value object that encapsulates 3 values:
- Payment ID, unique ID of the payment session
- Security Token, an hash that should be compared to the one returned in the response of the notify request (server-to-server notification, of which we talk below)
- Hosted Page URL, the URL to which the user must be redirected in order to perform the payment
Once that you redirected the user to the Hosted Page URL
a server-to-server notification will be perfomed by MonetaWebDue to one of the 2 urls that you specified when you called getPaymentPageInfo
In the example of the payment initialization the user will be redirected to
in case of successful operation and to
You can handle this request by using the handleNotify
method of the GatewayClient
$gatewayClient = new Webgriffe\LibMonetaWebDue\Api\GatewayClient();
// $psrRequest must be an instance of an object that implements the \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface
$paymentResult = $gatewayClient->handleNotify($psrRequest);
The result of the handleNotify
method could be a PaymentResultInfo
object or a PaymentResultErrorInfo
- The former object is returned when the notify request comunicates that the payment was handled successfully (this does not means that the payment was successful!). The properties of this object are mapped 1to1 with the successful notify response parameters, so refer to the payment gateway's integration documentation for more details about them.
- Instead, the latter object is returned when the notify request comunicates an error. This means that something went unexpectedly wrong during the payment. This has nothing to do with, for example, a "canceled" order: cases like this are not unexpected and so they generates a PaymentResultInfo object (as explained above). Even the properties of this object are mapped 1to1 with the parameters of the "faulty notify response", so refer to the payment gateway's integration documentation for more details about them.
The Security Token is a value that is comunicated by Setefi both in the payment initialization response and the server to server notification. You should compare them to be ensure the integrity of the payment.
In order to do this, the GatewayClient
class has a method called verifySecurityToken
that accepts the initialization's security token and the payment result info (returned by the handle notify) as parameters and returns a boolean:
$gatewayClient = new Webgriffe\LibMonetaWebDue\Api\GatewayClient();
$match = $gatewayClient->verifySecurityToken($storedSecurityToken, $paymentResult);
So an example of a real implementation for the server to server notification could be this:
$gatewayClient = new Webgriffe\LibMonetaWebDue\Api\GatewayClient();
$paymentResult = $gatewayClient->handleNotify($psrRequest);
if ($paymentResult instanceof PaymentResultErrorInfo) {
} else {
/** @var PaymentResultInfo $paymentResult */
if (!$paymentResult->isCanceled()) { // the security token is not returned if the payment was canceled
if (!$gatewayClient->verifySecurityToken($storedSecurityToken, $paymentResult)) {
// error
Fork this repository, make your changes and submit a pull request. Please run the tests and the coding standards checks before submitting a pull request. You can do it with:
vendor/bin/phpspec run
vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 src/
This library is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the LICENSE file.
Developed by Webgriffe®.