2.4.2 stable
20 commits
to master
since this release
Backend & Frontend
this module just need to place it on footer pages and easy to config simple less.
- Source CDNJ of cloudflare
- Version Its you maintainer to change
- Add more JS/CSS between head and or body
- Correction Code
- Change method
Default use
- Bootstrap 4.5.0
- Font Awesome 5.14.0
- Jquery 3.5.1
- jquery easing 1.4.1
- wow.js 1.1.2
- CountUp 2.0.6
- Jquery Waypoints 4.0.1
- jquery isotope 3.0.6
- venobox 1.9.0
- owlcarousel 2.3.4
- aos 2.3.4