Simple single-page HTML + Vanilla JavaScript App Store redirect page based on user agent. Can be used as template for individual implementations.
Debug mode is enabled, that's the reason for the alters.
Provides a static HTML page to redirect users to the app store of their device.
The detection is based on the userAgent:
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera;
- Android ("android")
- Apple ("iPad|iPhone|iPod")
The design is just a random example. Change it as needed, ensure to at least set the id attributes on the app store links, for example:
<a href="[PACKAGE-NAME]" id="g-store-link"><strong>[APP-NAME]</strong><br />in Google Play Store</a>
<a href="[COUNTRY]/app/[APP-NAME]/id[STORE-ID]]" id="a-store-link"><strong>[APP-NAME]</strong><br />in Apple App Store</a>`
So JavaScript can pick them up for the redirect, without having to define them twice.