First, 'npm install' Then open two separate terminals, and 'npm run dev' in the first, and 'npm start' in the second. Then open http://localhost:5173
- A bash console (on Mac or Linux, this is Terminal. On Windows, we recommend Git Bash)
- NodeJS version 18. If it is installed correctly, typing "node --version" should give v18.13.0 and "npm --version" should give 8.19.3, or higher.
- Visual Studio Code (or another code editor)
- the Prettier VSCode extension
Also, all of you will need to go through the MongoDB Atlas setup (
Additionally for authentication, one of you will need to obtain a CLIENT_ID, instructions are at
Remember to create your .env file with Database SRV (mongoConnectionURL) and session secret (sessionSecret).
- user: {name: String, googleid: String, elo: Number, log: [{Result: String, Opponent: String, Language: String, Date: String}]}
- word: {language: String, word: String, english: String, difficulty: Number 1-4}
- "/whoami" returns the current user, or null if not logged in
- "/userinfo" returns user information, such as elo and game history
- "/word" returns a random word to translate
- "/startGame" starts a new game
- add more as needed
- Socketing logic is in server-socket.js, client-socket.js
- Client emits to server: start game button push
- Client emits to server: takeCard(lobby, card, player)
- Server emits to client: gameState
the following files students do not need to edit. feel free to read them if you would like.