This is the code behind the We Have We Need website and API. We Have We Need is a platform where relief organizations can quickly post their most urgent needs and have them matched by generous donors during a time of crisis. The site was built by a group of geeky do-gooders who saw this as an opportunity to use technology to help bring people and donations together in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake in Haiti.
This code is made available under a BSD-style license (see the LICENSE file). A mailing list exists for development discussion. The code is hosted on GitHub.
We Have We Need is written in Python using Django framework. A pip requirements.txt file is include in the project. If you do not have pip, use requirements.txt as a guide for the packages that need to be installed.
This section explains how to setup this application on a clean Ubuntu install.
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git-core python-setuptools mercurial python-psycopg2 memcached python-memcache
sudo easy_install pip sudo pip install virtualenv
python virt-wehaveweneed
Now that you have pip installed, you should be able to install all of We Have We Need's Python dependencies with a single command:
pip install -E virt-wehaveweneed -r requirements.txt
This command installs all required packages into the We Have We Need virtual environment.
get clone
source wehaveweneed-virt/bin/activate cd wehaveweneed
In order to run the application, you must first customize the Django settings to your specific configuration. Please refer to the Settings section.
If you are using SQLite as your database, just run syncdb:
python syncdb
Go ahead and say yes to create an admin account on your development machine. Now you are ready to run the development server:
python manage runserver
The app is now running and is available on localhost:
Copy the file to and configure the included settings. The django documentation explains the meaning of most of these settings.
For production deployment we recommend using PostgresSQL as the database and Apache Solr for the search backend.
WeNeed API Examples!
curl --basic -u "username:password" -d "category=transportation&content=I+would+be+glad+to+give+up+my+moped&title=I+have+a+moped&priority=mid&location=Maryland&type=have" http://localhost:8000/api/post/
We Have We Need
Overview This is the code behind the We Have We Need website and API. We Have We Need is a platform where relief organizations can quickly post their most urgent needs and have them matched by generous donors during a time of crisis. The site was built by a group of geeky do-gooders who saw this as an opportunity to use technology to help bring people and donations together in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake in Haiti.
This code is made available under a BSD-style license (see the LICENSE file). A mailing list exists for development discussion. The code is hosted on GitHub. Requirements We Have We Need is written in Python.
Installing Required Components – Database, Database Encryption, Web Server: We Have We Need can be developed and tested without any further external dependencies. For production deployments, however, PostgresSQL and Apache Solr are recommended.
- Install Postgress:
- sudo apt-get install postgresQL postgresQL-client postgresQL-contrib postgresQL-plpython-[version number]
- Change DB settings to 'postgresql_psycopg2' settings file:
- DATABASE_ENGINE = 'postgresql_psycopg2'
- Create the db
- createdb crisis
Now syncdb and restart server.
python syncdb python manage runserver