Photon module running Johnny-Five.
- Follow the Photon Getting Started instructions.
- Open the Editor to get your Device ID (Devices) and Access Token (Settings)
- See the Photon Reference for details on ways to do this via the command line.
- Run
npm install
and follow the preinstall configuration instructions. - Run
particle cloud login
- Run
npm run voodoo_install
- Run
npm run voodoo_flash
Everything is now ready to go. To test run node src/examples/blinkLed
Color can be adding to any output text via $(tput setaf #)
where #
is a VALUE from the table below. To reset color use $(tput sgr0)
Example: echo $(tput setaf 1)ERROR$(tput sgr0)
. Will output ERROR in red.
** Basic tput setaf color table:
Color #define Value RGB
black COLOR_BLACK 0 0, 0, 0
red COLOR_RED 1 max,0,0
green COLOR_GREEN 2 0,max,0
yellow COLOR_YELLOW 3 max,max,0
blue COLOR_BLUE 4 0,0,max
magenta COLOR_MAGENTA 5 max,0,max
cyan COLOR_CYAN 6 0,max,max
white COLOR_WHITE 7 max,max,max