English style Lorem Ipsum Generator.
This Lorem Ipsum generator tries to produce natural "English style" language by generating a dictionary of words with letter position frequency biases taken from the million word running sample, word lengths based on these Mayzner revisited frequency stats, and then distributes them throughout the text with a ratio using Zipf's law.
Here's a 100 word sample taken from the web app:
Rd itowe ce b, ef ft tneiate, feetatlihpeiy i tneiate ef, aromt tneiate ik. Catet, ttnsea, w, wungm, wt, ad ttaer, f, ef, hiahapt uphesfee. Flhet o h, gldlncrhet dtnsy lm i timeuiw, l taus nrhd, fr, t, tneiate, ce smmifpg toimnpseod le voookf ersih s ef tneiate. Ts, tneiate, wf dtnsy. Tntiiind ttaer oitymr oooew dtnsy ttnsea ifngd tneiate bnam tntueg tneiate cg tneiate wlhrhhfps ms haoud. Ttnsea wt tnof oooew oh a oremsd tvmaiae, h, tneiate af antfmt lelslole, tvleuid, ef wt, i, ouol seisetoy w. An. Smmifpg, tneiate ohumeet, ps, w ybae, timeuiw, am, tneiate toauk w, ef, oe ef. Pe, t wd, cpsllf, lelslole ddns. Timeuiw trepts gldlncrhet ttnsea lleens dtnsy antfmt long thsatflo ef, wd h ttnsea hiaestt f ef iien spbeoced pe ef it tneiate tneiate ttnsea sgfiotag. Tneiate, ttnsea spbeoced ipheun tneiate bkeeomid, wmcelt tneiate oremsd. Tnof aied tneiate doao w tneiate, phpibystuoed timeuiw nd antfmt ngna tneiate bn catet talr smmifpg b.