Static analysis of AngularJS modules and dependencies.
Made by the team at Weld (, the code-free app and web creation tool:
npm start [Angular source code path]
AngularJS Code Analyzer loops through the code on the given path, and performs three tests:
Checks if a component has listed a dependency that then isn’t used inside the code itself:
myApp.common.ui: helpIcon (dependencies: 4)
unused dependency: User
unused dependency: $rootScope
myApp.project.editor: DomainCtrl (dependencies: 11)
unused dependency: $stateParams
Checks if a component has listed a dependency that is in a different module than itself:
myApp.user: Access (dependencies: 5)
external module: Subscription (myApp.subscription)
external module: projectManager (myApp.project.view)
Checks module name vs. file path and see if they differ:
Wrong module: teamModel: is myApp.common.extra, should be myApp.user
Wrong module: docsService: is myApp.user, should be