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We are far away from dog fooding hs-bindgen for libclang bindings,
but writing them by hand is tedious

We should had done something like this long ago.

This doesn't generate the high-level bindings; that's not challenging in
itself; but arranging the module structure for it to work is.
  • Loading branch information
phadej committed Dec 10, 2024
1 parent d1f136c commit d35aedd
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Showing 9 changed files with 843 additions and 198 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cabal.project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
packages: hs-bindgen-patterns
packages: hs-bindgen
packages: hs-bindgen-libclang
packages: hs-bindgen-bootstrap
packages: ansi-diff

tests: True
Expand Down
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions hs-bindgen-bootstrap/hs-bindgen-bootstrap.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
cabal-version: 3.0
name: hs-bindgen-bootstrap
version: 0.1.0
license: BSD-3-Clause
license-file: LICENSE
author: Edsko de Vries
maintainer: [email protected]
category: Development
build-type: Simple
synopsis: Generate Haskell bindings from C headers
tested-with: , GHC==9.2.8
, GHC==9.4.8
, GHC==9.6.6
, GHC==9.8.2
, GHC==9.10.1

common lang
base >= 4.16 && < 4.21
if impl(ghc >= 9.8)

executable hs-bindgen-bootstrap
import: lang
hs-source-dirs: src
main-is: hs-bindgen-bootstrap.hs
build-depends: base <5, bytestring, parsec
247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions hs-bindgen-bootstrap/src/hs-bindgen-bootstrap.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
module Main (main) where

import Control.Applicative (many, (<|>))
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.Char (isLetter)
import Data.List (stripPrefix)
import Text.Parsec qualified as P
import Text.Parsec.ByteString (Parser)

-- "config"

-- main

main :: IO ()
main = do
bs <- BS.readFile "imports.h"
decls <- case P.parse (whitespace *> many declP <* P.eof) "imports.h" bs of
Left err -> print err >> fail "parse error"
Right decls -> return decls

-- low-level FFI module
let contents = ffiModule decls
putStr contents
writeFile "hs-bindgen-libclang/src/HsBindgen/Clang/LowLevel/FFI.hs" contents

let contents = wrappers decls
putStr contents
writeFile "hs-bindgen-libclang/cbits/clang_wrappers_ffi.h" contents

-- declarations

data Decl
= FunDecl Var [Var]
| Comment String
deriving Show

data Var = Var [String] String
deriving Show

-- parser

whitespace :: Parser ()
whitespace = P.skipMany (P.satisfy (\c -> c == ' ' || c == '\n'))

lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a
lexeme p = p <* whitespace

cident :: Parser String
cident = lexeme $ do
h <- P.satisfy $ \c -> c == '_' || isLetter c
t <- many $ P.satisfy $ \c -> c == '_' || isLetter c -- or num
return (h : t)

-- we cheat a bit, we don't recognise *.
varDecl :: Parser Var
varDecl = do
x <- cident
y <- cident
go (x :) y
go :: ([String] -> [String]) -> String -> Parser Var
go xs y = (cident >>= \z -> go (xs . (y : )) z) <|> return (Var (xs []) y)

funDeclP :: Parser Decl
funDeclP = do
fun <- varDecl
_ <- lexeme (P.char '(')
args <- varDecl `P.sepBy` lexeme (P.char ',')
_ <- lexeme (P.char ')')
_ <- lexeme (P.char ';')
return (FunDecl fun args)

commentP :: Parser Decl
commentP = do
_ <- P.string "//"
comment <- many $ P.satisfy $ \c -> c /= '\n'
_ <- lexeme (P.char '\n')
return (Comment comment)

declP :: Parser Decl
declP = P.choice
[ funDeclP
, commentP

-- Haskell FFI

ffiModule :: [Decl] -> String
ffiModule ds = unlines $
header ++
concatMap ffiDecl ds
header :: [String]
header =
[ "{-| this module is autogenerated with cabal run hs-bindgen-bootstrap -}"
, "module HsBindgen.Clang.LowLevel.FFI (module HsBindgen.Clang.LowLevel.FFI) where"
, "import Foreign.C.Types"
, "import HsBindgen.Clang.Internal.ByValue"
, "import HsBindgen.Clang.LowLevel.Core.Enums"
, "import HsBindgen.Clang.LowLevel.Core.Structs"
, "import HsBindgen.Patterns"

ffiDecl :: Decl -> [String]
ffiDecl (Comment comment) =
[ "--" ++ comment
, ""
ffiDecl (FunDecl (Var rtype name) args)
| isStruct rtype
[ "foreign import capi unsafe \"clang_wrappers.h\""
, " " ++ name' ++ " :: " ++ foldr argumentTy (toHaskellType Res rtype) args ++ " -> IO ()"
, ""

| otherwise
[ "foreign import capi unsafe \"clang_wrappers.h\""
, " " ++ name' ++ " :: " ++ foldr argumentTy ("IO " ++ toHaskellType Res rtype) args
, ""
-- TODO: we don't mangle names if there aren't struct resutls args
name' = case stripPrefix "clang_" name of
Nothing -> error $ name ++ " doesn't start with clang_"
Just sfx -> "wrap_" ++ sfx

argumentTy :: Var -> String -> String
argumentTy (Var ty _) rest = toHaskellType Arg ty ++ " -> " ++ rest

-- (wrapper) Header generation

wrappers :: [Decl] -> String
wrappers ds = unlines $
header ++
concatMap wrapDecl ds
header :: [String]
header =
[ "/* this header is autogenerated with cabal run hs-bindgen-bootstrap */"

wrapDecl :: Decl -> [String]
wrapDecl (Comment comment) =
[ "/*" ++ comment ++ " */"
, ""
wrapDecl decl@(FunDecl (Var rtype rname) args)
| isStruct rtype
[ "static inline void " ++ rname' ++ "(" ++ foldr argumentTy (toCType Res rtype ++ " result") args ++ ") {"
, " *result = " ++ rname ++ "(" ++ foldr callArg "" args ++ ");"
, "}"
, ""

| any isStructVar args
[ "static inline " ++ toCType Res rtype ++ " " ++ rname' ++ "(" ++ foldr argumentTy "" args ++ ") {"
, " return " ++ rname ++ "(" ++ foldr callArg "" args ++ ");"
, "}"
, ""

| otherwise
[ "/* " ++ show decl ++ " */"
, ""
rname' = case stripPrefix "clang_" rname of
Nothing -> error $ rname ++ " doesn't start with clang_"
Just sfx -> "wrap_" ++ sfx

argumentTy :: Var -> String -> String
argumentTy (Var atype aname) rest = commaArg (toCType Arg atype ++ " " ++ aname) rest

callArg :: Var -> String -> String
callArg (Var atype aname) rest
| isStruct atype = commaArg ("*" ++ aname) rest
| otherwise = commaArg aname rest

commaArg :: String -> String -> String
commaArg x "" = x
commaArg x y = x ++ ", " ++ y

-- Utilities

isStruct :: [String] -> Bool
isStruct ["CXType"] = True
isStruct ["CXString"] = True
isStruct ["CXCursor"] = True
isStruct _ = False

isStructVar :: Var -> Bool
isStructVar (Var ty _) = isStruct ty

-- | result or argument
data RA = Res | Arg

haskellRA :: RA -> String
haskellRA Res = "W "
haskellRA Arg = "R "

toHaskellType :: RA -> [String] -> String
toHaskellType ra ["CXType"] = haskellRA ra ++ "CXType_"
toHaskellType ra ["CXString"] = haskellRA ra ++ "CXString_"
toHaskellType ra ["CXCursor"] = haskellRA ra ++ "CXCursor_"
toHaskellType _ ["enum","CXTypeKind"] = "SimpleEnum CXTypeKind"
toHaskellType _ ["long","long"] = "CLLong"
toHaskellType _ ["unsigned","long","long"] = "CULLong"
toHaskellType _ ["unsigned"] = "CUInt"
toHaskellType _ ["int"] = "CInt"
toHaskellType _ ty = error $ "Unknown type " ++ unwords ty

cRA :: RA -> String
cRA Res = ""
cRA Arg = "const "

toCType :: RA -> [String] -> String
toCType ra ["CXType"] = cRA ra ++ "CXType*"
toCType ra ["CXString"] = cRA ra ++ "CXString*"
toCType ra ["CXCursor"] = cRA ra ++ "CXCursor*"
toCType _ ["enum","CXTypeKind"] = "enum CXTypeKind"
toCType _ ["long","long"] = "long long"
toCType _ ["unsigned","long","long"] = "unsigned long long"
toCType _ ["unsigned"] = "unsigned"
toCType _ ["int"] = "int"
toCType _ ty = error $ "Unknown type " ++ unwords ty

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