fcli 是阿里云函数计算的命令行工具,可以便捷的管理函数计算中的资源。
$ fcli
fcli: function compute command line tools
fcli [flags]
fcli [command]
Available Commands:
alias alias related operation
config Configure the fcli
function function related operation
help Help about any command
service service related operation
shell interactive shell
sls sls related operation
trigger trigger related operation
version fcli version information
-h, --help help for fcli
Use "fcli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
详细的使用手册:函数计算工具 fcli 帮助文档
1. 安装并配置 Golang 开发环境
根据 官方文档 安装并设置环境变量,主要是设置好 $GOPATH
2. Fork Repository
- 在 aliyun/fcli 项目中,点击
,将项目 fork 到个人仓库 - 在本地
目录 cd ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/aliyun
git clone https://github.com/个人账号/fcli.git
3. 安装 glide 包管理器
$ go get github.com/Masterminds/glide
$ go install github.com/Masterminds/glide
4. 安装依赖
在项目根目录下,执行 glide i -v
1. 将修改 push 到个人账号里的本地仓库
2. 发起 pull request 请求 在 pull request 请求的 comment 中,写明此次修改的内容,并添加此次修改的命令交互示例。
假设此次修改设置到 service list 子命令
- fcli service
$ fcli service
service related operation
fcli service [flags]
fcli service [command]
service, s
Available Commands:
create create service
delete Delete service
get Get the information of service
list List services of the current account
update update service
version service version related operation
--help Print Usage (default true)
Use "fcli service [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- fcli service list --help
william:fcli zechen$ go run main.go service list --help
List services of the current account
fcli service list [option] [flags]
list, l
--help list functions
-l, --limit int32 the max number of the returned services (default 100)
--name-only display service name only (default true)
-t, --next-token string continue listing the functions from the previous point
-p, --prefix string list the services whose names contain the specified prefix
-k, --start-key string start key is where you want to start listing from
- fcli service list
$ fcli service list
"Services": [
"NextToken": null
fcli 在开源后使用 主版本号.次版本号.修订号
关于版本格式,可以参考 Semantic Versioning
run command as follows:
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aliyun/fcli/master/misc/completion/fcli-completion.bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/fcli-completion.bash
or checkout this repo and run command as follows:
source misc/completion/fcli-completion.bash
and then relogin
run command as follows:
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aliyun/fcli/master/misc/completion/_fcli > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_fcli
and then relogin