On linux:
sudo apt install docker.io
sudo service docker restart
sudo addgroup $USER docker
newgrp docker
(This is the slow thing; it includes a couple GB of Ubuntu.)
docker pull jonhdotnet/summer_school:1.0
docker container run -t -i jonhdotnet/summer_school:1.0 /bin/bash
dafny test.dfy
If everything is working, you should see:
test.dfy(3,0): Error BP5003: A postcondition might not hold on this return path.
test.dfy(2,12): Related location: This is the postcondition that might not hold.
Execution trace:
(0,0): anon0
Dafny program verifier finished with 0 verified, 1 error
Run the image connected to your filesystem so you can edit in your OS, and then run Dafny from inside the docker container:
mkdir work
cd work
docker container run -t -i --mount src="`pwd`",target=/home/dafnyserver/work,type=bind --workdir /home/dafnyserver/work jonhdotnet/summer_school:1.0 /bin/bash
git clone https://github.com/GLaDOS-Michigan/summer-school-2020.git
cd summer-school-2020/chapter01
Now you can edit files using your preferred native OS editor under the work/ directory, and verify them with Dafny from the terminal that's running the docker image.
If you're preparing for the summer camp, stop here! The first set of exercises begins after the first lecture session.
The chapter
directories contain:
: work through these files in order. Instructions appear in comments in the file. -
: The lecturer will use these files to present new ideas. Feel free to browse them. -
: If you get stuck on an exercise, peek into the corresponding hint file. Avoid looking in here if you want to avoid spoilers! -
`solution/': If you get really stuck, look for solutions here. Again, spoiler warning.
Files in a directory are numbered to indicate the order they're meant to be read. There is no chapter01/exercise17.dfy because there is a chapter01/demo17.