This this the code repository for my final project of MSc Data Science and Machine Learning degree at UCL. It's better to check out this repo with the thesis.
In this project, we explore training strategies for deep architectures of Computer Vision. Especially, we focus on "ImageNet pre-training", and "multi-task learning" and "regularization" are also applied.
- Python 3
- PyTorch >= 0.4.0
- Numpy
In this project, we use several datasets for semantic segmentation and human part segmentation. See and modify their paths in config.json for your convenience.
python [--arch ARCH] [--epochs N]
[--dataset D] [--data_portion DP]
[--batch_size N] [--lr LR] [--momentum M]
[--momentum_bn M_BN] [--weight-decay W]
[--pretrained] [--dprob DPB]
[--n_classes C] [--optim O]
[--manual_seed MANUALSEED]
--arch, -a model architecture: sunet64 | fcn32resnet18 |
fcn32resnet 34 | fcn32resnet50 | fcn32resnet101 |
fcn32resnet152 | fcn32vgg
--dataset dataset: sbd | pascal | pascalpart | lip
--epochs number of epochs to train
--batch-size mini-batch size (default: 10)
--lr initial learning rate
--momentum momentum
--momentum_bn momentum of batch normalization
--wd weight decay (default: 1e-4)
--pretrained use pre-trained model
--manual_seed manual seed
--n_classes number of classes of ground truth annotation
--dprob dropout probability