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A LLM Post-training Library for TPUs and GPUs.

Set up

Kithara requires Python>=3.11.


pip install kithara[cpu] 


pip install kithara[tpu] -f --extra-index-url 


pip install kithara[gpu]


SFT with LoRA

Example of LoRA finetuning gemma2-2b. This script runs on single-host and multi-host environments, on both TPUs and GPUs. For multi-host set up, we included a Ray guide in the next section.

python kithara/examples/singlehost/

Full parameter finetuning

Example of training a MaxText model.

python kithara/examples/singlehost/

Multi-host examples

Following instructions in ray/ to set up a Ray Cluster for running multi-host workloads. Here are examples of how to run the SFT LoRA example once your cluster has been set up.

python ray/ "python3.11 examples/multihost/ray/TPU/" --hf-token your_token

Similarly, you can run the full parameter finetuning example using the following command

python ray/ "python3.11 examples/multihost/ray/TPU/" --hf-token your_token

You can early-stop your job using

ray job stop ray_job_id


  1. Disk OOM when loading HF model checkpoint

    First try emptying your cache by running the following code on your Ray Cluster.

    import shutil
    shutil.rmtree("/home/ubuntu/.cache/huggingface/hub/", ignore_errors=True)
    shutil.rmtree("/home/ubuntu/.keras/models", ignore_errors=True)

    If you are using a single VM, the path may be different.

    import shutil
    shutil.rmtree("~/.cache/huggingface/hub/", ignore_errors=True)
    shutil.rmtree("~/.keras/models", ignore_errors=True)

    If emptying the cache still doesn't help, try attaching a disk to your VM and change HF cache directory using the environment variable export HF_HOME=<your_new_cache_dir>.

    You may have to copy your HF token to this new cache directory with cp .cache/huggingface/token <your_new_cache_dir>/token.

  2. Permission denied error when uploading checkpoint to GCS

    First verify your current authentication :

    gcloud auth list
    gsutil ls gs://your_bucket

    For your Python code, you likely need to ensure you're using the same credentials.

    gcloud auth application-default login
  3. jaxlib.xla_extension.XlaRuntimeError errors

    Try uninstall and reinstalling jax and jaxlib

    pip uninstall jax jaxlib
    pip install "jax[tpu]" -f
    pip install libtpu-nightly==0.1.dev20250128+nightly -f