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Spark Streaming Delta Lake Reference Architecture



The project demonstrates a reference architecture for a Spark Streaming application that writes data to Delta tables. It includes the following components:

  • Python script to generate and send fake clickstream events to Kafka
  • Spark streaming application that consumes events from Kafka and writes to Delta tables in S3


Boostrap the environment by running the Docker compose script:

docker-compose up

This will provision the following resources:

  • Redis instance
  • Single-broker Kafka instance with a topic called raw_events

Python Event Generation Script Usage

The script can be used to generate an arbitrary number of fake clickstream events. The events will be sent to the specified Kafka topic.

Script Arguments

Argument Description Required Default
num_events Number of each type of event to generate No 10
topic Kafka topics to send events to No raw_events
brokers List of Kafka brokers No localhost:9092

Example Usage

python --num_events 50

Spark Application Usage

The Spark Structured Streaming application consumes events from Kafka and writes the events to a Delta table corresponding to the event type. Streaming DataFrames require the schema to be defined up-front, so a Redis schema registry is leveraged to lookup the schema for a particular event type.

Events are processed in discrete batches, and each batch will run through the following steps:

  1. Retrieve all event types from the Redis schema registry.
  2. For each event type: a. Retrieve the schema for the event b. Parse the raw event JSON into the structured event using the schema c. Write the batch to the Delta table in S3

Environment Variables

Variable Description Required Default
AWS_ACCESS_KEY AWS access key Yes NA
AWS_SECRET_KEY AWS secret access key Yes NA
REDIS_HOST Redis host No localhost
REDIS_PORT Redis port No 6379
S3_BUCKET S3 bucket where data will be written Yes NA
S3_PREFIX Prefix of data in S3 No delta-demo/
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS Kafka boostrap server list Yes NA
KAFKA_TOPIC Kafka topic Yes NA

Redshift Setup

Note - This section assumes that you have a running Redshift cluster.

  1. Run a Spark shell with the Delta dependencies using the following command:
    $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell \
        --packages,org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:2.7.7 \
        --conf "" \
        --conf "" \
        --conf "" \
        --conf "spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.multipart.size=104857600" \
        --conf "spark.hadoop.fs.AbstractFileSystem.s3a.impl=org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3A"
  2. Run the following script to generate the Delta table manifests:
    val tables = Seq("link_clicked.v1", "page_viewed.v1")
    val rootPath = "s3a://<BUCKET>/<PREFIX>"
    tables.foreach { t =>
  3. Run the redshift-setup.sql script to create the following resources:
    • External schema called delta_bronze
    • Extrenal table called delta_bronze.link_clicked_v1
    • External table called delta_bronze.page_viewed_v1


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