A project created with Serenity/Serene and replace the demo dashboard page with real data from the Northwind database.
- Chart.js: for bar and pie charts.
- Chart.js Geo: for map chart.
- randomColor: for ganerate random colors.
The source code can be found in Modules\Common\Dashboard
Widgets (frontend and backend) are placed in its own folder.
這是一個用 Serenity/Serene 建立的專案,但是將原本儀表板範例改成使用 Northwind 資料庫中真實的資料。
- Chart.js: 用來畫長條圖及圓餅圖
- Chart.js Geo: 用來畫地圖
- randomColor: 用於產生隨機的顏色
Source code 存在於 Modules\Common\Dashboard
圖表 Widgets (包含前後端) 則存放在它自己的同名目錄之中
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